22#include "Topology/DiscreteElements.h"
29 template<
typename TDataType>
34 typedef typename TDataType::Real
35 typedef typename TDataType::Coord
36 typedef typename TDataType::Matrix
38 typedef typename ::dyno::Quat<Real>
40 typedef typename ::dyno::TConstraintPair<Real>
Real, FrictionCoefficients, DeviceType::GPU,
"FrictionCoefficients of rigid bodies");
#define DECLARE_TCLASS(name, T1)
particle attribute 0x00000000: [31-30]material; [29]motion; [28]Dynamic; [27-8]undefined yet,...
::dyno::FixedJoint< Real > FixedJoint
DEF_INSTANCE_IN(DiscreteElements< TDataType >, DiscreteElements, "")
DArray< Constraint > mVelocityConstraints
DEF_ARRAY_IN(ContactPair, Contacts, DeviceType::GPU, "")
DEF_VAR_IN(Real, TimeStep, "Time step size")
::dyno::Quat< Real > TQuat
DEF_VAR(Real, Slop, 0, "")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Attribute, Attribute, DeviceType::GPU, "Rigid body attributes")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Coord, AngularVelocity, DeviceType::GPU, "Angular velocity of rigid bodies")
DEF_VAR(bool, FrictionEnabled, true, "")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Real, Mass, DeviceType::GPU, "Mass of rigid bodies")
::dyno::HingeJoint< Real > HingeJoint
DEF_VAR(uint, IterationNumberForVelocitySolver, 100, "")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(TQuat, Quaternion, DeviceType::GPU, "Quaternion")
DEF_VAR(Real, LinearDamping, 0.1, "")
DEF_VAR(Real, FrictionCoefficient, 100, "")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Matrix, Inertia, DeviceType::GPU, "Interial matrix")
::dyno::PointJoint< Real > PointJoint
::dyno::TContactPair< Real > ContactPair
DArray< Coord > mImpulseExt
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Matrix, RotationMatrix, DeviceType::GPU, "Rotation matrix of rigid bodies")
DEF_VAR(Real, GravityValue, 9.8, "")
DEF_VAR(uint, IterationNumberForPositionSolver, 200, "")
DEF_VAR(Real, BaumgarteBias, 1.0, "")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Matrix, InitialInertia, DeviceType::GPU, "Interial matrix")
DEF_VAR(bool, GravityEnabled, true, "")
::dyno::TConstraintPair< Real > Constraint
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Coord, Center, DeviceType::GPU, "Center of rigid bodies")
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Coord, Velocity, DeviceType::GPU, "Velocity of rigid bodies")
void initializeJacobianForNJS()
::dyno::SliderJoint< Real > SliderJoint
::dyno::BallAndSocketJoint< Real > BallAndSocketJoint
DArray< int > mContactNumber
void constrain() override
void initializeJacobian(Real dt)
DArray< ContactPair > mContactsInLocalFrame
DEF_ARRAY_IN(Real, FrictionCoefficients, DeviceType::GPU, "FrictionCoefficients of rigid bodies")
DArray< Constraint > mPositionConstraints
DArray< Coord > mImpulseC
DEF_VAR(Real, AngularDamping, 0.1, "")
This is an implementation of AdditiveCCD based on peridyno.
Array< T, DeviceType::GPU > DArray