PeriDyno 1.0.0
No Matches
dyno Namespace Reference

This is an implementation of AdditiveCCD based on peridyno. More...


namespace  cgeo
namespace  Function2Pt
namespace  SemiAnalyticalScheme


class  Action
class  AdaptiveBoundary
class  AdaptiveVolumeToTriangleSet
class  Add
class  AdditiveCCD
class  AddRealAndReal
class  AnchorPointToPointSet
class  AnimationCurve
class  AnimationDriver
class  AnimationPipeline
class  AppBase
class  ApplyBumpMap2TriangleSet
class  ApproximateImplicitViscosity
class  Arithmetic
class  Array
 This class is designed to be elegant, so it can be directly passed to GPU as parameters. More...
class  Array2D
class  Array2D< T, DeviceType::CPU >
class  Array2D< T, DeviceType::GPU >
struct  Array2DInfo
class  Array3D
class  Array3D< T, DeviceType::CPU >
class  Array3D< T, DeviceType::GPU >
struct  Array3DInfo
class  Array< T, DeviceType::CPU >
class  Array< T, DeviceType::GPU >
class  ArrayList
class  ArrayList< ElementType, DeviceType::CPU >
class  ArrayList< ElementType, DeviceType::GPU >
class  ArrayList< T, DeviceType::GPU >
struct  ArrayListInfo
class  ArrayMap
class  ArrayMap< ElementType, DeviceType::CPU >
class  ArrayMap< ElementType, DeviceType::GPU >
class  ArrudaBoyceModel
class  ArticulatedBody
class  AssignFrameNumberAct
class  Attribute
 particle attribute 0x00000000: [31-30]material; [29]motion; [28]Dynamic; [27-8]undefined yet, for future use; [7-0]correspondding to the id of a fluid phase in multiphase fluid or an object in a multibody system More...
class  AutoLayoutDAG
 Automatic layout for directed acyclic graph Refer to "Sugiyama Algorithm" by Nikola S. Nikolov[2015] for details. More...
class  BackgroundRenderer
class  BallAndSocketJoint
class  BasicShape
class  BasicShapeToVolume
class  BBoxRenderer
struct  binary_function
struct  BitAndFunc
struct  BitOrFunc
struct  BitXorFunc
class  Bone
class  Bool
class  BoundaryConstraint
class  BoundingBoxOfTextureMesh
 A class to facilitate showing the shape information. More...
class  BoundingBoxToEdgeSet
struct  BoxInfo
class  Buffer
class  BufferCopy
class  BVHNode
class  CalculateBoundingBox
 A class implementation to calculate bounding box. More...
class  CalculateMaximum
class  CalculateMinimum
class  CalculateNorm
class  CalculateNormalSDF
class  Camera
class  Canvas
class  CapillaryWave
struct  CapsuleInfo
class  CapsuleModel
class  CarDriver
class  CircularEmitter
class  ClassInfo
struct  ClipVertex
class  Cloth
 Peridynamics-based cloth. More...
class  CodimensionalPD
class  CollisionDetection
class  CollisionDetectionBroadPhase
class  CollisionDetector
class  CollistionDetectionBoundingBox
class  CollistionDetectionTriangleSet
class  Color
class  ColorMapping
class  Complex
class  ComputeModule
class  ComputeParticleAnisotropy
class  ComputeSurfaceLevelset
class  ConeModel
class  ConfigurableBody
class  ConstantKernel
class  ConstraintModule
class  ConstructTangentSpace
class  ContactRule
class  ContactsToEdgeSet
class  ContactsToPointSet
class  ContactsUnion
class  ConvertToTextureMesh
class  CopyModel
class  CopyToPoint
class  CorrectedKernel
class  CoSemiImplicitHyperelasticitySolver
class  CTimer
class  CubeModel
class  CubicKernel
class  Curve
class  CylinderModel
class  DataSource
class  DataTypes
class  DebugInfo
struct  dim3
class  DirectedAcyclicGraph
 Graph class represents a directed graph. More...
class  DiscreteElementRenderer
class  DiscreteElements
class  DiscreteElementsToTriangleSet
class  DistanceField3D
class  DistanceJoint
class  DivergenceFreeSphSolver
class  Divide
struct  DivideFunc
class  DivideRealAndReal
class  DragSurfaceInteraction
class  DragVertexInteraction
class  DualParticleFluid
class  DualParticleIsphModule
class  DualParticleSystemInitializer
class  EarClipper
class  EdgeInteraction
class  EdgePickerNode
class  EdgeSet
class  EditableMesh
class  EigenValueWriter
class  EKey
class  ElasticBody
class  ElastoplasticBody
class  ElastoplasticityModule
struct  ElementOffset
class  EnergyAnalysis
struct  EnergyModels
class  Envmap
struct  EqualFunc
class  ExtractEdgeSetFromPolygonSet
class  ExtractQaudSetFromPolygonSet
class  ExtractShape
 A class to merge TextureMeshs. More...
class  ExtractTriangleSetFromPolygonSet
class  ExtrudeModel
class  FArray
class  FArray2D
class  FArray3D
class  FastMarchingMethodGPU
 this class implements a GPU-based fast marching method to do boolean between two distance fields. More...
class  FastSweepingMethod
 This is a CPU-based implementation of grid-based signed distance field (level set) generator for triangle meshes. For more details, please refer to Robert Bridson's website ( More...
class  FastSweepingMethodGPU
 This is a GPU-based fast sweeping method to generate signed distance field from a mesh. More...
class  FBase
class  FCallBackFunc
class  FiberModel
struct  Field_Type
class  FieldSignal
class  FilePath
class  FInstance
 Pointer of objects. More...
class  FixedJoint
class  FixedPoints
class  FloatingNumber
struct  FluidSolverParams
class  FractureModule
class  Frame
 A frame represents a point equipped with the orientation. More...
class  Framebuffer
class  FrameToPointSet
class  FungModel
class  FVar
class  FVar< PEnum >
 Specialization for the field type of PEnum.
class  FXAA
struct  GatherVisualModuleAction
class  Gear
class  GeometryLoader
class  GhostFluid
 Ghost fluid method. More...
class  GhostParticles
class  GLCommonPointVisualNode
class  GlfwApp
class  GlfwRenderWindow
class  GLInstanceVisualModule
class  GLInstanceVisualNode
class  GLMaterial
class  GLPhotorealisticInstanceRender
class  GLPhotorealisticRender
class  GLPointVisualModule
class  GLPointVisualNode
class  GLRenderEngine
class  GLRenderHelper
struct  GLRenderMode
class  GLShape
class  GLSurfaceVisualModule
class  GLSurfaceVisualNode
class  GLTextureMesh
class  GltfLoader
class  GLVisualModule
class  GLWireframeVisualModule
class  GLWireframeVisualNode
class  Gmsh
class  GranularMedia
 This class implements the shallow sand equation to simulate dry granular flows. For more details, refer to "Shallow Sand Equations: Real-Time Height Field Simulation of Dry Granular Flows" by Zhu et al.[2021], IEEE TVCG. More...
class  GranularModule
class  GraphicsObject
class  GraphicsPipeline
struct  greater
struct  GreaterEqualFunc
struct  GreaterFunc
class  GridHash
struct  GridIndex
struct  GridInfo
class  GridSet
class  GroundRenderer
class  Group
class  GroupModule
struct  HashGrid
class  HeightField
class  HeightFieldInitializer
class  HeightFieldToTriangleSet
class  Helmholtz
class  HexahedronSet
class  HierarchicalScene
class  HingeJoint
struct  HostArray2DInfo
class  HyperelasticBody
class  HyperelasticityModel
class  ImageLoader
class  ImChart
class  ImColorbar
class  ImplicitISPH
 This is an implementation of the Implicit Incompressible SPH (IISPH) solver based on PeriDyno. For details, refer to "Implicit Incompressible SPH" by Ihmsen et al., IEEE TVCG, 2015. The code was written by Shusen Liu, ISCAS, Sep, 2024. More...
class  ImplicitViscosity
 This class implements an implicit solver for artificial viscosity based on the XSPH method. More...
class  ImWidget
class  ImWindow
struct  Index2D
struct  Index2DPlane
struct  IndexCmp
class  IndexNode
class  InputModule
class  InstanceBase
class  InstanceTransform
class  InteractionInitializer
class  Interval
class  IOInitializer
class  IterativeDensitySolver
 This is an implementation of the iterative density solver integrated into the Position Based Dynamics framework. More...
struct  iterator_traits
struct  iterator_traits< const T * >
struct  iterator_traits< T * >
struct  JCapsule
class  Jeep
class  Joint
class  JointAnimationInfo
class  JointDeform
 A class to facilitate showing the shape information. More...
class  JointInfo
class  JointTree
 A JointTree(Skeleton) represents a hierarchical tree structure of joints. More...
class  Kernel
class  KeyboardInputModule
class  LandScape
class  LargeOcean
struct  less
struct  LessEqualFunc
struct  LessFunc
class  LevelSet
class  LinearBVH
class  LinearDamping
 A linear damping model. More...
class  LinearElasticitySolver
 This is an implementation of elasticity based on projective peridynamics. For more details, please refer to[He et al. 2017] "Projective Peridynamics for Modeling Versatile Elastoplastic Materials". More...
class  LinearModel
class  List
 Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large. More...
class  Log
struct  LogicalAndFunc
struct  LogicalNotFunc
struct  LogicalOrFunc
class  MakeGhostParticles
class  MakeParticleSystem
class  Map
 Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large. More...
class  MarchingCubes
class  MarchingCubesHelper
class  Material
class  MatrixBase
struct  MaximumFunc
class  mDoubleSpinBox
class  mDrawLabel
class  Merge
class  MergeSimplexSet
class  MergeTriangleSet
class  Mesh
class  MeshInfo
struct  MinimumFunc
struct  MinusFunc
class  mJointItemLayout
class  ModelEditing
class  ModelingInitializer
class  ModelObject
class  Module
struct  ModulusFunc
class  MooneyRivlinModel
class  MouseInputModule
class  mPiecewiseDoubleSpinBox
class  mQCheckBox
class  mQDoubleSlider
class  mQDoubleSpinner
class  mSpinBox
class  MultibodySystem
class  MultiMap
 An CPU/GPU implementation of the standard multimap suitable for small-size data. More...
class  MultiphysicsInitializer
class  MultipleNodePort
class  Multiply
struct  MultiplyFunc
class  MultiplyRealAndReal
class  MultiSet
 An CPU/GPU implementation of the standard multiset suitable for small-size data. More...
class  mVec3fWidget
class  mVectorItemLayout
class  mVectorTransformItemLayout
struct  Name_Shape
struct  NBoundingBox
struct  NegateFunc
class  NeighborElementQuery
 A class implementation to find neighboring elements for a given array of elements. More...
class  NeighborPointQuery
class  NeighborTriangleQuery
class  NeoHookeanModel
class  Node
class  NodeAction
struct  NodeCmp
class  NodeFactory
class  NodeGroup
class  NodeInfoAct
class  NodeIterator
class  NodePage
class  NodePort
 Input ports for Node. More...
class  NormalForce
class  NormalVisualization
struct  NotEqualFunc
class  OBase
class  Object
class  Ocean
class  OceanBase
class  OceanPatch
class  OctreeNode
class  OgdenModel
class  OrbitCamera
struct  OriginalFaceId
class  OutputModule
class  Pair
class  PAnimationQSlider
class  PAnimationWidget
struct  Parameters
 implement functions for reorganizing ranges into sorted order More...
class  ParametricModel
class  ParticleApproximation
class  ParticleEmitter
class  ParticleFluid
class  ParticleIntegrator
class  ParticleRelaxtionOnMesh
class  ParticleSkinning
class  ParticleSystem
 This class represents the base class for more advanced particle-based nodes. More...
class  ParticleSystemHelper
class  ParticleSystemInitializer
class  ParticleWriter
class  PaticleUniformAnalysis
class  PCGConstraintSolver
class  PConsoleWidget
class  PdActor
class  PDataViewerWidget
class  PDockWidget
class  PEnum
class  Peridynamics
 A base class for peridynamics-based computational paradigms. More...
class  PeridynamicsInitializer
struct  Picture
class  PIntegerViewerWidget
class  PIODockWidget
class  PIOTabWidget
class  Pipeline
class  PJSConstraintSolver
class  PJSNJSConstraintSolver
class  PJSoftConstraintSolver
struct  PKeyboardEvent
class  PlaneModel
class  PLogWidget
class  Plugin
 Class form managing and encapsulating shared libraries loading. More...
struct  PluginEntry
class  PluginManager
 Repository of plugins. It can instantiate any class from any loaded plugin by its name. More...
struct  PlusFunc
class  PMainToolBar
class  PMainWindow
class  PModuleEditor
class  PModuleEditorToolBar
struct  PMouseEvent
class  PointClip
class  PointFromCurve
class  PointInteraction
class  PointJoint
class  PointPickerNode
class  PointsBehindMesh
class  PointSet
 A PointSet stores the coordinates for a set of independent points. More...
class  PointSetToPointSet
class  PointSetToTriangleSet
class  PointsLoader
 Load a triangular mesh. More...
class  PoissonDiskSampling
class  PoissonEmitter
class  PoissonPlane
class  PolyExtrude
class  PolygonSet
 a class to store polygon whose vertex number is greater or equal than 3 More...
class  PolygonSetToTriangleSetModule
class  PolygonSetToTriangleSetNode
class  PolynomialModel
class  POpenGLWidget
struct  Pose
class  PositionBasedFluidModel
struct  PositionCmp
class  PositionNode
class  PostProcessing
class  POtherSetting
class  PPropertyWidget
class  PPushButton
class  PRealViewerWidget
struct  predicate
class  PRenderSetting
class  PrintFloat
class  PrintInt
class  PrintUnsigned
class  PrintVector
class  priority_queue
class  Program
struct  ProjectedPoint3D
class  ProjectionBasedFluidModel
class  ProjectivePeridynamics
class  PSceneSetting
class  PScrollBarViewerWidget
class  PSettingEditor
class  PSettingWidget
class  PSimulationThread
class  PStatusBar
class  PTableItemMessage
class  PTableItemProgress
class  PTransform3fViewerWidget
class  PVec2FieldViewerWidget
class  PVec3FieldViewerWidget
class  QBoolFieldWidget
class  QColorButton
class  QColorWidget
class  QCurveLabel
class  QCurveWidget
class  QDoubleSlider
class  QDoubleSpinner
class  QDrawLabel
class  QEnumFieldWidget
class  QFieldPropertyWidget
class  QFieldWidget
class  QFilePathWidget
class  QIntegerFieldWidget
class  QJointBodyDetail
class  QKey
class  QPiecewiseDoubleSpinBox
class  QPiecewiseSpinBox
class  QRampWidget
class  QRealFieldWidget
class  QRigidBodyDetail
class  QStateFieldWidget
class  QStringFieldWidget
class  QtApp
class  QTimeTableWidgetItem
class  QToggleButton
class  QToggleLabel
class  QuadPickerNode
class  QuadSet
class  QuadSetToTriangleSet
class  QuarticKernel
class  Quat
class  QUIntegerFieldWidget
class  QValueButton
class  QValueDialog
class  QVec3fWidget
class  QVector3FieldWidget
class  QVector3iFieldWidget
class  QVectorIntFieldWidget
class  QVectorTransform3FieldWidget
class  QVehicleInfoWidget
class  Ramp
class  RandNumber
class  RandomAccessContainer
class  Reduction
class  Reduction< Vec3d >
class  Reduction< Vec3f >
struct  remove_reference
struct  remove_reference< T & >
struct  remove_reference< T && >
class  RenderEngine
struct  RenderParams
class  RenderTools
class  RenderWindow
class  ResetAct
class  Rigid
class  Rigid< T, 1 >
class  Rigid< T, 2 >
class  Rigid< T, 3 >
class  RigidBody
struct  RigidBodyInfo
class  RigidBodyInitializer
class  RigidBodyItemLayout
class  RigidBodySystem
 Implementation of a rigid body system containing a variety of rigid bodies with different shapes. More...
class  RigidMesh
class  RigidSandCoupling
 This class implements a coupling between a granular media and a rigid body system. More...
class  RigidWaterCoupling
class  Sampler
class  Scan
struct  ScanParameters
 implement functions for computing prefix sums More...
class  SceneGraph
class  SceneGraphFactory
class  SceneLoader
class  SceneLoaderFactory
class  SceneLoaderXML
class  SdfSampler
struct  Selection
class  SemiAnalyticalIncompressibilityModule
class  SemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel
class  SemiAnalyticalParticleShifting
class  SemiAnalyticalPBD
class  SemiAnalyticalPositionBasedFluidModel
class  SemiAnalyticalSchemeInitializer
class  SemiAnalyticalSFINode
 Semi-Analytical Solid Fluid Interaction. More...
class  SemiAnalyticalSummationDensity
class  SemiAnalyticalSurfaceTensionModel
 Semi-Analytical Surface Tension Model for Free Surface Flows. More...
class  SemiImplicitDensitySolver
 This class implements a semi-implicit successive substitution method to solve incompressibility. For more details, refer to He et al. "A Semi-Implicit SPH Method for Compressible and Incompressible Flows with Improved Convergence", Eurographics 2025. More...
class  SemiImplicitHyperelasticitySolver
class  Set
 An CPU/GPU implementation of the standard set suitable for small-size data. More...
class  Shader
class  ShadowMap
class  Shape
class  ShapeSampler
class  SimpleVechicleDriver
class  SimpleVelocityConstraint
class  SimplexSet
class  SingleNodePort
class  SkinInfo
class  SliderJoint
class  Smesh
class  SmoothKernel
class  SparseGridHash
class  SparseMarchingCubes
class  SparseMatrix
class  SparseOctree
class  SparseVolumeClipper
struct  SphereInfo
class  SphereModel
class  SpikyKernel
class  SplineConstraint
class  SplitSimplexSet
class  SquareEmitter
class  SquareMatrix
class  SquareMatrix< T, 2 >
class  SquareMatrix< T, 3 >
class  SquareMatrix< T, 4 >
class  SSAO
class  Stack
 Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large. More...
class  States
class  StaticMeshLoader
 A node containing a TriangleSet object. More...
class  Steer
class  STLBuffer
 Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large. More...
class  StructuredPointSet
class  StVKModel
class  Subdivide
class  Subtract
class  SubtractRealAndReal
class  SummationDensity
 The standard summation density. More...
class  SurfaceEnergyForce
 An implementation of the energy-based surface model proposed by He et al.[2024]. Refer to "Robust Simulation of Sparsely Sampled Thin Features in SPH-Based Free Surface Flows", ACM TOG 2014, for more details. More...
class  SurfaceInteraction
class  SurfaceParticleTracking
class  SurfaceTension
class  SweepModel
class  TAlignedBox2D
class  TAlignedBox3D
class  Tank
class  TBond
 Definition of a bond in Peridynamics. More...
class  TCapsule3D
class  TCircle2D
class  TCone3D
class  TConstraintPair
class  TContact
class  TContactPair
class  TCylinder3D
class  TDisk2D
class  TDisk3D
struct  TetInfo
class  TetrahedralSystem
class  TetrahedronSet
class  TetrahedronSetToPointSet
class  TetraMeshWriter
class  TetraMeshWriterFracture
class  Texture
class  Texture2D
class  Texture2DMultiSample
class  TextureCube
class  TextureMesh
class  TextureMeshLoader
class  TextureMeshMerge
 A class to merge TextureMeshs. More...
class  TextureMeshToTriangleSet
class  TextureMeshToTriangleSetNode
class  TGrid3D
class  Thread
 Peridynamics-based Thread. More...
class  ThreadSystem
class  TightCCD
class  TimeStamp
 Time stamp. More...
class  TJConstraintSolver
class  TJSoftConstraintSolver
class  TKey
class  TLine2D
 1D geometric primitives in two-dimensional space More...
class  TLine3D
 1D geometric primitives in three-dimensional space More...
struct  TManifold
class  toggleLabel
class  ToolBarIcoAndLabel
class  ToolBarPage
class  TopologyMapping
class  TopologyModule
class  TOrientedBox3D
class  TPlane3D
 2D geometric primitives in three-dimensional space More...
class  TPoint2D
 0D geometric primitive in two-dimensional space More...
class  TPoint3D
 0D geometric primitive in three-dimensional space More...
class  TPointSweep3D
class  TPolygon2D
class  TrackballCamera
class  TrackedTank
class  Transform
class  Transform< T, 2 >
class  Transform< T, 3 >
class  TransformModel
class  TRay2D
class  TRay3D
class  TRectangle2D
class  TRectangle3D
class  TriangleMeshWriter
class  TrianglePickerNode
class  TriangleSet
class  TriangleSetRenderer
class  TriangularMeshBoundary
 A triangular mesh boundary to prevent interpenetration for particles. More...
class  TriangularMeshConstraint
class  TriangularSystem
class  TSegment2D
class  TSegment3D
class  TSeparationData
class  TSphere3D
 3D geometric primitives in three-dimensional space More...
class  TTet3D
 vertices are ordered so that the normal vectors for the triangular faces point outwards 3 / | \ 0 - 2 - 1 More...
class  TTriangle2D
 2D geometric primitives in two-dimensional space More...
class  TTriangle3D
class  TTriangleSweep3D
class  TurningModel
class  UAV
class  UbiApp
 This class provides a unified representation for all three GUIs, including the GlfwGUI, QtGUI and WtGUI. More...
struct  uint3
struct  unary_function
class  UniformGrid3D
class  UniformGridRenderer
class  UnstructuredPointSet
class  UUV
class  ValueButton
class  ValueDialog
class  VariationalApproximateProjection
 Projection-based solver. More...
class  Vector
class  Vector3Source
class  Vector< T, 2 >
class  Vector< T, 3 >
class  Vector< T, 4 >
class  VectorBase
class  VectorND
class  VectorVisualNode
class  VehicleBind
 The VehicleBind class is used to record information about created rigid bodies and joints. Rigid bodies information is stored in mVehicleRigidBodyInfo. Toints information is stored in mVehicleJointInfo. More...
struct  VehicleJointInfo
 The joint information is stored in mVehicleJointInfo. More...
struct  VehicleRigidBodyInfo
 The Rigid body information is stored in mVehicleJointInfo. More...
struct  Vertex
class  VertexArray
class  Vessel
class  VirtualColocationStrategy
class  VirtualParticleGenerator
class  VirtualParticleShiftingStrategy
class  VirtualSpatiallyAdaptiveStrategy
class  VisualModule
class  VkConstant
class  VkContext
class  VkDeviceArray
class  VkDeviceArray2D
class  VkDeviceArray3D
class  VkFFT
class  VkGraphicsPipeline
class  VkHostArray
class  VkHostArray2D
class  VkMultiProgram
class  VkProgram
class  VkReduce
 implement functions for reducing a range to a single value More...
class  VkScan
class  VkSort
class  VkSystem
class  VkUniform
class  VkVariable
class  VkVisualModule
class  Volume
class  VolumeBoolean
class  VolumeBoundary
class  VolumeClipper
class  VolumeGenerator
class  VolumeHelper
class  VolumeInitializer
class  VolumeLoader
class  VolumeOctree
class  VolumeOctreeBoolean
class  VolumeOctreeGenerator
 This is a GPU-based implementation of algebraic adaptive signed distance field (AASDF). For more details, please refer to "Algebraic Adaptive Signed Distance Field on GPU" by [Ren 2022]. More...
class  VolumeToGridCell
class  VolumeToTriangleSet
class  VoxelOctree
class  VoxelOctreeNode
class  VtkFluidVisualModule
class  VtkPointVisualModule
class  VtkRenderEngine
class  VtkSurfaceVisualModule
class  VtkVisualModule
class  Wake
struct  WindParam
struct  WNode
class  WtApp
class  XBuffer
class  XTexture2D
class  XuModel
class  YeohModel


template<typename T>
using CArray = Array<T, DeviceType::CPU>
template<typename T>
using CArray2D = Array2D<T, DeviceType::CPU>
template<typename T>
using CArray3D = Array3D<T, DeviceType::CPU>
template<typename T>
using CArrayList = ArrayList<T, DeviceType::CPU>
template<typename T>
using CArrayMap = ArrayMap<T, DeviceType::CPU>
template<typename T>
using DArray = Array<T, DeviceType::GPU>
template<typename T>
using DArray2D = Array2D<T, DeviceType::GPU>
template<typename T>
using DArray3D = Array3D<T, DeviceType::GPU>
typedef DArray3D< float > Grid1f
typedef DArray3D< float3 > Grid3f
typedef DArray3D< bool > Grid1b
template<typename ElementType>
using DArrayList = ArrayList<ElementType, DeviceType::GPU>
template<typename T>
using DArrayMap = ArrayMap<T, DeviceType::GPU>
using uint = unsigned int
typedef DataTypes< float, float, float, Rigid< float, 1 > > DataType1f
 1f DOF, single precision
typedef DataTypes< float, Vec2f, Mat2f, Rigid2fDataType2f
 2f DOF, single precision
typedef DataTypes< float, Vec3f, Mat3f, Rigid3fDataType3f
 3f DOF, single precision
typedef DataTypes< double, float, float, Rigid< double, 1 > > DataType1d
 1d DOF, double precision
typedef DataTypes< double, Vec2d, Mat2d, Rigid2dDataType2d
 2d DOF, double precision
typedef DataTypes< double, Vec3d, Mat3d, Rigid3dDataType3d
 3d DOF, double precision
typedef SquareMatrix< float, 2 > Mat2f
typedef SquareMatrix< double, 2 > Mat2d
typedef SquareMatrix< float, 3 > Mat3f
typedef SquareMatrix< double, 3 > Mat3d
typedef SquareMatrix< float, 4 > Mat4f
typedef SquareMatrix< double, 4 > Mat4d
typedef Transform< float, 2 > Transform2f
typedef Transform< double, 2 > Transform2d
typedef Transform< float, 3 > Transform3f
typedef Transform< double, 3 > Transform3d
typedef TPoint3D< double > Point3D
typedef TLine3D< double > Line3D
typedef TRay3D< double > Ray3D
typedef TSegment3D< double > Segment3D
typedef TPlane3D< double > Plane3D
typedef TTriangle3D< double > Triangle3D
typedef TRectangle3D< double > Rectangle3D
typedef TDisk3D< double > Disk3D
typedef TSphere3D< double > Sphere3D
typedef TCapsule3D< double > Capsule3D
typedef TTet3D< double > Tet3D
typedef TAlignedBox3D< double > AlignedBox3D
typedef TOrientedBox3D< double > OrientedBox3D
typedef TCylinder3D< double > Cylinder3D
typedef TCone3D< double > Cone3D
typedef TPointSweep3D< double > PointSweep3D
typedef TTriangleSweep3D< double > TriangleSweep3D
typedef Quat< float > Quat1f
typedef Quat< double > Quat1d
typedef Rigid< float, 2 > Rigid2f
typedef Rigid< double, 2 > Rigid2d
typedef Rigid< float, 3 > Rigid3f
typedef Rigid< double, 3 > Rigid3d
typedef long long ptrDiff_t
using uchar = unsigned char
using uint64 = unsigned long long
using int64 = signed long long
typedef Vector< float, 2 > Vec2f
typedef Vector< double, 2 > Vec2d
typedef Vector< uint32_t, 2 > Vec2u
typedef Vector< int, 2 > Vec2i
typedef Vector< float, 3 > Vec3f
typedef Vector< double, 3 > Vec3d
typedef Vector< int, 3 > Vec3i
typedef Vector< uint, 3 > Vec3u
typedef Vector< char, 3 > Vec3c
typedef Vector< uchar, 3 > Vec3uc
typedef Vector< float, 4 > Vec4f
typedef Vector< double, 4 > Vec4d
typedef unsigned short OcIndex
typedef unsigned long long int OcKey
typedef unsigned short Level
typedef TopologyModule::Triangle Triangle
 The standard summation density.
typedef Vector< unsigned int, 3 > Vec3ui
typedef CArray3D< unsigned int > CArray3ui
typedef CArray3D< float > CArray3f
typedef CArray3D< int > CArray3i
typedef std::map< int, std::string > EnumMap
template<typename T>
using HostVarField = FVar<T>
template<typename T>
using DeviceVarField = FVar<T>
template<typename T>
using HostArrayField = FArray<T, DeviceType::CPU>
template<typename T>
using DeviceArrayField = FArray<T, DeviceType::GPU>
typedef int PointType
typedef std::string FieldID
 Base class for modules.
typedef std::string ProgramID
typedef Object *(* ObjectConstructorFn) (void)
typedef uint32_t ObjectId
typedef std::list< Node * > NodeList
typedef std::map< ObjectId, std::shared_ptr< Node > > NodeMap
typedef std::function< std::shared_ptr< SceneGraph >()> SceneGraphCreator
typedef unsigned char byte
typedef int joint
typedef int scene
typedef struct dyno::Picture Picture
typedef ::dyno::TAlignedBox3D< RealAABB
typedef unsigned long long int PKey


enum  VkFFT_Type { VkFFT_INVERSE = -1 , VkFFT_FORWARD = 1 }
enum  VariableType { DeviceBuffer , HostBuffer , Constant , Uniform }
enum  VkResizeType { VK_BUFFER_REALLOCATED = 0x00000000 , VK_BUFFER_REUSED = 0x00000001 , VK_FAILED = 0xFFFFFFFF }
enum  LerpMode { REPEAT , CLAMP_TO_BORDER }
enum  EnergyType {
  Linear , StVK , NeoHooekean , Xuetal ,
  MooneyRivlin , Fung , Ogden , Yeoh ,
  ArrudaBoyce , Fiber
enum  MotionType { MT_Static = 0 , MT_Kinematic , MT_Dynamic }
enum  GridType { Accepted = 0 , Tentative = 1 , Infinite = 2 }
enum  FieldTypeEnum {
  In , Out , IO , Param ,
  State , Next
enum  ConfigMotionType { CMT_Static = 0 , CMT_Kinematic = 1 , CMT_Dynamic = 2 }
enum  ConfigShapeType {
  Box = 1 , Tet = 2 , Capsule = 4 , Sphere = 8 ,
  Tri = 16 , OtherShape = 0x80000000
enum  ConfigJointType {
  BallAndSocket = 1 , Slider = 2 , Hinge = 3 , Fixed = 4 ,
  Point = 5 , OtherJoint = 0x80000000
enum  PButtonType { BT_UNKOWN = -1 , BT_LEFT = 0 , BT_RIGHT = 1 , BT_MIDDLE = 2 }
enum  PActionType { AT_UNKOWN = -1 , AT_RELEASE = 0 , AT_PRESS = 1 , AT_REPEAT = 2 }
enum  PKeyboardType {
  PKEY_MINUS = 45 , PKEY_PERIOD = 46 , PKEY_SLASH = 47 , PKEY_0 = 48 ,
  PKEY_1 = 49 , PKEY_2 = 50 , PKEY_3 = 51 , PKEY_4 = 52 ,
  PKEY_5 = 53 , PKEY_6 = 54 , PKEY_7 = 55 , PKEY_8 = 56 ,
  PKEY_9 = 57 , PKEY_SEMICOLON = 59 , PKEY_EQUAL = 61 , PKEY_A = 65 ,
  PKEY_B = 66 , PKEY_C = 67 , PKEY_D = 68 , PKEY_E = 69 ,
  PKEY_F = 70 , PKEY_G = 71 , PKEY_H = 72 , PKEY_I = 73 ,
  PKEY_J = 74 , PKEY_K = 75 , PKEY_L = 76 , PKEY_M = 77 ,
  PKEY_N = 78 , PKEY_O = 79 , PKEY_P = 80 , PKEY_Q = 81 ,
  PKEY_R = 82 , PKEY_S = 83 , PKEY_T = 84 , PKEY_U = 85 ,
  PKEY_V = 86 , PKEY_W = 87 , PKEY_X = 88 , PKEY_Y = 89 ,
  PKEY_GRAVE_ACCENT = 96 , PKEY_WORLD_1 = 161 , PKEY_WORLD_2 = 162 , PKEY_ESCAPE = 256 ,
  PKEY_ENTER = 257 , PKEY_TAB = 258 , PKEY_BACKSPACE = 259 , PKEY_INSERT = 260 ,
  PKEY_DELETE = 261 , PKEY_RIGHT = 262 , PKEY_LEFT = 263 , PKEY_DOWN = 264 ,
  PKEY_UP = 265 , PKEY_PAGE_UP = 266 , PKEY_PAGE_DOWN = 267 , PKEY_HOME = 268 ,
  PKEY_END = 269 , PKEY_CAPS_LOCK = 280 , PKEY_SCROLL_LOCK = 281 , PKEY_NUM_LOCK = 282 ,
  PKEY_PRINT_SCREEN = 283 , PKEY_PAUSE = 284 , PKEY_F1 = 290 , PKEY_F2 = 291 ,
  PKEY_F3 = 292 , PKEY_F4 = 293 , PKEY_F5 = 294 , PKEY_F6 = 295 ,
  PKEY_F7 = 296 , PKEY_F8 = 297 , PKEY_F9 = 298 , PKEY_F10 = 299 ,
  PKEY_F11 = 300 , PKEY_F12 = 301 , PKEY_F13 = 302 , PKEY_F14 = 303 ,
  PKEY_F15 = 304 , PKEY_F16 = 305 , PKEY_F17 = 306 , PKEY_F18 = 307 ,
  PKEY_F19 = 308 , PKEY_F20 = 309 , PKEY_F21 = 310 , PKEY_F22 = 311 ,
  PKEY_F23 = 312 , PKEY_F24 = 313 , PKEY_F25 = 314 , PKEY_KP_0 = 320 ,
  PKEY_KP_1 = 321 , PKEY_KP_2 = 322 , PKEY_KP_3 = 323 , PKEY_KP_4 = 324 ,
  PKEY_KP_5 = 325 , PKEY_KP_6 = 326 , PKEY_KP_7 = 327 , PKEY_KP_8 = 328 ,
  PKEY_KP_9 = 329 , PKEY_KP_DECIMAL = 330 , PKEY_KP_DIVIDE = 331 , PKEY_KP_MULTIPLY = 332 ,
  PKEY_KP_SUBTRACT = 333 , PKEY_KP_ADD = 334 , PKEY_KP_ENTER = 335 , PKEY_KP_EQUAL = 336 ,
enum  PModifierBits {
  MB_NO_MODIFIER = 0x0000 , MB_SHIFT = 0x0001 , MB_CONTROL = 0x0002 , MB_ALT = 0x0004 ,
  MB_SUPER = 0x0008 , MB_CAPS_LOCK = 0x0010 , MB_NUM_LOCK = 0x0020
enum  NodePortType { Single , Multiple , Unknown }
enum  BasicShapeType {
enum  EEnvStyle { Standard = 0 , Studio = 1 }
enum  ButtonState { GLFW_DOWN = 0 , GLFW_UP }
enum  QButtonState { QBUTTON_DOWN = 0 , QBUTTON_UP }
enum  TemplateName { FArrayType = 0 , FArrayListType = 1 , FVarType = 2 , NoneType = 3 }
enum  DataType { FloatType = 0 , DoubleType = 1 , UnknownType = 2 }
enum  GUIType { GUI_GLFW = 0 , GUI_QT = 1 , GUI_WT = 2 }
enum  CModeMask {
  CM_Disabled = 0x00000000 , CM_OriginDCD_Tet = 0x00000001 , CM_InputSDF_Tet = 0x00000002 , CM_RigidSurface_Tet = 0x00000004 ,
  CM_TetMesh_Tet = 0x00000008 , CM_SurfaceMesh_Tet = 0x00000010 , CM_OriginDCD_Sphere = 0x00000020 , CM_InputSDF_Sphere = 0x00000040
enum  BodyType {
  Static = 0 , Kinematic , Dynamic , NonRotatable ,
enum  CollisionMask {
  CT_AllObjects = 0xFFFFFFFF , CT_BoxExcluded = 0xFFFFFFFE , CT_TetExcluded = 0xFFFFFFFD , CT_CapsuleExcluded = 0xFFFFFFFA ,
  CT_SphereExcluded = 0xFFFFFFF7 , CT_BoxOnly = 0x00000001 , CT_TetOnly = 0x00000002 , CT_CapsuleOnly = 0x00000004 ,
  CT_SphereOnly = 0x00000008 , CT_Disabled = 0x00000000
enum  ContactType {
enum  ConstraintType {
enum  SeparationType {
enum  ElementType {
  ET_BOX = 1 , ET_TET = 2 , ET_CAPSULE = 4 , ET_SPHERE = 8 ,
  ET_TRI = 16 , ET_COMPOUND = 32 , ET_Other = 0x80000000


void ForEach (size_t size,...)
template<typename VarType>
void multiply_transposedSM_by_vector (DArrayMap< VarType > &matrix_a, DArray< VarType > &a, DArray< VarType > &Aa)
template<typename VarType>
void multiply_SM_by_vector (DArrayMap< VarType > &matrix_a, DArray< VarType > &a, DArray< VarType > &Aa)
template<uint N>
void parallel_allocate_for_list (void *lists, void *elements, size_t ele_size, DArray< uint > &index)
template<uint N>
void parallel_init_for_list (void *lists, void *elements, size_t ele_size, DArray< uint > &index)
template<uint N>
void parallel_allocate_for_map (void *maps, void *elements, size_t ele_size, DArray< uint > &index)
template<uint N>
void parallel_init_for_map (void *maps, void *elements, size_t ele_size, DArray< uint > &index)
int SizeOfNextLevel (int size, int localSize)
int ScanSizeOfNextLevel (int size, int localSize)
int ComputeAddZeroSize (int OriginalSize)
static uint iDivUp (uint a, uint b)
static dim3 vkDispatchSize (uint totalSize, uint blockSize)
static dim3 vkDispatchSize2D (uint size_x, uint size_y, uint blockSize)
static dim3 vkDispatchSize3D (uint size_x, uint size_y, uint size_z, uint blockSize)
template<typename T>
VkDeviceArray< T > * bufferPtr ()
template<typename T>
VkDeviceArray2D< T > * buffer2DPtr ()
template<typename T>
VkDeviceArray3D< T > * buffer3DPtr ()
template<typename T>
VkUniform< T > * uniformPtr ()
template<typename T>
VkConstant< T > * constantPtr ()
VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL debugUtilsMessengerCallback (VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity, VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageType, const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *pCallbackData, void *pUserData)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkHostArray< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray< T > &dst, const VkHostArray< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (std::vector< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray< T > &dst, const std::vector< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray< T > &dst, uint64_t dstOffset, const VkDeviceArray< T > &src, uint64_t srcOffset, uint64_t copySize)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkHostArray< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray2D< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (std::vector< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray2D< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray2D< T > &dst, const std::vector< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray2D< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray2D< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray3D< T > &dst, const std::vector< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkDeviceArray3D< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray3D< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (VkHostArray< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray3D< T > &src)
template<typename T>
bool vkTransfer (std::vector< T > &dst, const VkDeviceArray3D< T > &src)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T getPoint2SegmentDistance (const Vector< T, 3 > &p, const Vector< T, 3 > &v0, const Vector< T, 3 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC bool inTri (const Vector< T, 3 > &p, const Vector< T, 3 > &v0, const Vector< T, 3 > &v1, const Vector< T, 3 > &v2)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T STP (const Vector< T, 3 > &u, const Vector< T, 3 > &v, const Vector< T, 3 > &w)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC void fswap (T &a, T &b)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T SignedDistanceVF (const Vector< T, 3 > &x, const Vector< T, 3 > &y0, const Vector< T, 3 > &y1, const Vector< T, 3 > &y2, Vector< T, 3 > *n, T *w)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T SignedDistanceEE (const Vector< T, 3 > &x0, const Vector< T, 3 > &x1, const Vector< T, 3 > &y0, const Vector< T, 3 > &y1, Vector< T, 3 > *n, Real *w)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T triProduct (Vector< T, 3 > &a, Vector< T, 3 > &b, Vector< T, 3 > &c)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > xvpos (Vector< T, 3 > x, Vector< T, 3 > v, T t)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int sgn (T x)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int SolveQuadratic (T a, T b, T c, T x[2])
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T NewtonsMethod (T a, T b, T c, T d, T x0, int init_dir)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int SolveCubic (T a, T b, T c, T d, T x[3])
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC bool CollisionTest (const Vector< T, 3 > &x0, const Vector< T, 3 > &x1, const Vector< T, 3 > &x2, const Vector< T, 3 > &x3, const Vector< T, 3 > &v0, const Vector< T, 3 > &v1, const Vector< T, 3 > &v2, const Vector< T, 3 > &v3, T &time, const int isVF)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realacos (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realasin (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realatan (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realasinh (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realacosh (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realatanh (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realcos (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realcosh (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realexp (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Reallog (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Reallog10 (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realpow (const Complex< Real > &, const Real &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realpow (const Complex< Real > &, const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realpow (const Real &, const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realsin (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realsinh (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realsqrt (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realtan (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realtanh (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Real arg (const Complex< Real > &)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Realpolar (const Real &__rho, const Real &__theta=Real(0))
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< Toperator+ (S scale, const Complex< T > &complex)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< Toperator- (S scale, const Complex< T > &complex)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< Toperator* (S scale, const Complex< T > &complex)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< Toperator/ (S scale, const Complex< T > &complex)
template<typename T, DeviceType deviceType>
DYN_FUNC T lerp (Array< T, deviceType > &array1d, float x, LerpMode mode=LerpMode::REPEAT)
template<typename T, DeviceType deviceType>
DYN_FUNC T bilinear (Array2D< T, deviceType > &array2d, float x, float y, LerpMode mode=LerpMode::REPEAT)
template<typename T, DeviceType deviceType>
DYN_FUNC T trilinear (Array3D< T, deviceType > &array3d, float x, float y, float z, LerpMode mode=LerpMode::REPEAT)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int isless (T const &a, T const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int isless (T const &a, D const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int isleq (T const &a, T const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int isleq (T const &a, D const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int isgreat (T const &a, T const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int isgreat (T const &a, D const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int isgeq (T const &a, T const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int isgeq (T const &a, D const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int iseq (T const &a, T const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int iseq (T const &a, D const &b, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int sign (T const &a, T const EPS=EPSILON)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T clamp (const T &v, const T &lo, const T &hi)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > clamp (const Vector< T, 2 > &v, const Vector< T, 2 > &lo, const Vector< T, 2 > &hi)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > clamp (const Vector< T, 3 > &v, const Vector< T, 3 > &lo, const Vector< T, 3 > &hi)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > clamp (const Vector< T, 4 > &v, const Vector< T, 4 > &lo, const Vector< T, 4 > &hi)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T abs (const T &v)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > abs (const Vector< T, 2 > &v)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > abs (const Vector< T, 3 > &v)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > abs (const Vector< T, 4 > &v)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T minimum (const T &v0, const T &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > minimum (const Vector< T, 2 > &v0, const Vector< T, 2 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > minimum (const Vector< T, 3 > &v0, const Vector< T, 3 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > minimum (const Vector< T, 4 > &v0, const Vector< T, 4 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T maximum (const T &v0, const T &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > maximum (const Vector< T, 2 > &v0, const Vector< T, 2 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > maximum (const Vector< T, 3 > &v0, const Vector< T, 3 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > maximum (const Vector< T, 4 > &v0, const Vector< T, 4 > &v1)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dot (Vector< T, 2 > const &U, Vector< T, 2 > const &V)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dot (Vector< T, 3 > const &U, Vector< T, 3 > const &V)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > cross (Vector< T, 3 > const &U, Vector< T, 3 > const &V)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dotcross (Vector< T, 3 > const &U, Vector< T, 3 > const &V, Vector< T, 3 > const &W)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > perp (Vector< T, 2 > const &v)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dotperp (Vector< T, 2 > const &v0, Vector< T, 2 > const &v1)
DYN_FUNC unsigned int lowbit (unsigned int x)
DYN_FUNC unsigned int countbit (unsigned int x)
DYN_FUNC unsigned int __builtin_clz (unsigned int x)
DYN_FUNC unsigned int MSB (unsigned int x)
DYN_FUNC unsigned int lownum (unsigned int x)
DYN_FUNC int checkbit (unsigned int const &x, unsigned int const &y)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const SquareMatrix< T, 2 > operator* (S scale, const SquareMatrix< T, 2 > &mat)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const SquareMatrix< T, 3 > operator* (S scale, const SquareMatrix< T, 3 > &mat)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const SquareMatrix< T, 4 > operator* (S scale, const SquareMatrix< T, 4 > &mat)
template<typename Real, int Dim>
DYN_FUNC void polarDecomposition (const SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > &A, SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > &R, SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > &U, SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > &D)
template<typename Real, int Dim>
DYN_FUNC void polarDecomposition (const SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > &M, SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > &R, Real tolerance)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void jacobiRotate (SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &A, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &R, int p, int q)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void EigenDecomposition (const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &A, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &eigenVecs, Vector< Real, 3 > &eigenVals)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void QRDecomposition (SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &A, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &R, int p, int q)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void polarDecomposition (const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &A, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &R, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &U, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &D)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void polarDecomposition (const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &M, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &R, Real tolerance)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC Quat< Toperator* (S scale, const Quat< T > &quad)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare, typename ValueType>
DYN_FUNC void promote_heap_impl (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance topPosition, Distance position, T value, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void promote_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance topPosition, Distance position, const T &value, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void promote_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance topPosition, Distance position, T &&value, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare, typename ValueType>
DYN_FUNC void adjust_heap_impl (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance topPosition, Distance heapSize, Distance position, T value, Compare compare)
 adjust heap implementation
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void adjust_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance topPosition, Distance heapSize, Distance position, const T &value, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void adjust_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance topPosition, Distance heapSize, Distance position, T &&value, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void push_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void pop_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void make_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void sort_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void remove_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance heapSize, Distance position, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void change_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance heapSize, Distance position, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC RandomAccessIterator is_heap_until (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare compare)
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
DYN_FUNC bool is_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool operator== (const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &a, const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &b)
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool operator< (const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &a, const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &b)
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool operator!= (const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &a, const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &b)
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool operator> (const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &a, const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &b)
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool operator<= (const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &a, const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &b)
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool operator>= (const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &a, const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > &b)
template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
static DYN_FUNC OutputIterator move_or_copy (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result)
template<typename Iterator>
static DYN_FUNC Iterator move_or_copy_backward (Iterator first, Iterator last, Iterator resultEnd)
template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2>
DYN_FUNC bool lexicographical_compare (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2)
template<typename T>
bool operator== (const RandomAccessContainer< T > &a, const RandomAccessContainer< T > &b)
template<typename T>
bool operator!= (const RandomAccessContainer< T > &a, const RandomAccessContainer< T > &b)
template<typename T>
bool operator< (const RandomAccessContainer< T > &a, const RandomAccessContainer< T > &b)
template<typename T>
bool operator> (const RandomAccessContainer< T > &a, const RandomAccessContainer< T > &b)
template<typename T>
bool operator<= (const RandomAccessContainer< T > &a, const RandomAccessContainer< T > &b)
template<typename T>
bool operator>= (const RandomAccessContainer< T > &a, const RandomAccessContainer< T > &b)
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int leftBound (T target, T *startLoc, uint maxSize)
 Find the left bound of a target with a binary search algorithm.
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int rightBound (T target, T *startLoc, uint maxSize)
 Find the right bound of a target with a binary search algorithm.
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC constexpr T && forward (typename dyno::remove_reference< T >::type &x) noexcept
template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC constexpr T && forward (typename dyno::remove_reference< T >::type &&x) noexcept
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Vector< T, 2 > operator* (S scale, const Vector< T, 2 > &vec)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Vector< T, 3 > operator* (S scale, const Vector< T, 3 > &vec)
template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Vector< T, 4 > operator* (S scale, const Vector< T, 4 > &vec)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 2 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 3 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 4 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 5 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 6 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 7 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 8 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6, const T &v7)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 9 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6, const T &v7, const T &v8)
template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 10 > makeFixedVector (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const T &v4, const T &v5, const T &v6, const T &v7, const T &v8, const T &v9)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VirtualParticleGenerator)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PoissonDiskSampling, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeBoundary)
 DEFINE_CLASS (CircularEmitter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ParticleEmitter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PoissonEmitter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SquareEmitter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GhostParticles)
 DEFINE_CLASS (MakeParticleSystem)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ParticleApproximation)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PositionBasedFluidModel)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ProjectionBasedFluidModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (SurfaceEnergyForce, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ParticleFluid)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ParticleSystem)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ElasticBody)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ElastoplasticBody)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ProjectivePeridynamics)
 DEFINE_CLASS (Peridynamics)
template<typename Coord, typename Bond>
void constructRestShape (DArrayList< Bond > &shape, DArrayList< int > &nbr, DArray< Coord > &pos)
template<typename Coord, typename Bond>
void constructRestShapeWithSelf (DArrayList< Bond > &shape, DArrayList< int > &nbr, DArray< Coord > &pos)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TetrahedralSystem)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ThreadSystem)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TriangularSystem)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ConfigurableBody)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (AnimationDriver, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (AnimationDriver)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (CarDriver, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ContactsUnion)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (InstanceTransform, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (InstanceTransform)
void ApplyTransform (DArrayList< Transform3f > &instanceTransform, const DArray< Vec3f > &translate, const DArray< Mat3f > &rotation, const DArray< Pair< uint, uint > > &binding, const DArray< int > &bindingtag)
void updateVelocity (DArray< Attribute > attribute, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, float linearDamping, float angularDamping, float dt)
void updateGesture (DArray< Attribute > attribute, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Quat1f > rotQuat, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, DArray< Mat3f > inertia, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< Mat3f > inertia_init, float dt)
void updatePositionAndRotation (DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Quat1f > rotQuat, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, DArray< Mat3f > inertia, DArray< Mat3f > inertia_init, DArray< Vec3f > impulse_constrain)
void calculateContactPoints (DArray< TContactPair< float > > contacts, DArray< int > contactCnt)
void calculateJacobianMatrix (DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > inertia, DArray< float > mass, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints)
void calculateJacobianMatrixForNJS (DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > inertia, DArray< float > mass, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints)
void calculateEtaVectorForPJS (DArray< float > eta, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints)
void calculateEtaVectorForPJSBaumgarte (DArray< float > eta, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< float > errors, float slop, float beta, uint substepping, float dt)
void calculateEtaVectorWithERP (DArray< float > eta, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< float > ERP, float slop, float dt)
void calculateEtaVectorForPJSoft (DArray< float > eta, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, float slop, float zeta, float hertz, float substepping, float dt)
void calculateEtaVectorForNJS (DArray< float > eta, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, float slop, float beta)
void setUpContactsInLocalFrame (DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInLocalFrame, DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInGlobalFrame, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat)
void setUpContactAndFrictionConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInLocalFrame, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, bool hasFriction)
void setUpContactConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInLocalFrame, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat)
void setUpBallAndSocketJointConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< BallAndSocketJoint< float > > joints, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, int begin_index)
void setUpSliderJointConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< SliderJoint< float > > joints, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, DArray< Quat1f > rotQuat, int begin_index)
void setUpHingeJointConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< HingeJoint< float > > joints, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > rotMat, DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q, int begin_index)
void setUpFixedJointConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints, DArray< FixedJoint< float > > &joints, DArray< Mat3f > &rotMat, DArray< Quat1f > &rotQuat, int begin_index)
void setUpPointJointConstraints (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< PointJoint< float > > joints, DArray< Vec3f > pos, int begin_index)
void calculateK (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > inertia, DArray< float > mass, DArray< float > K_1, DArray< Mat2f > K_2, DArray< Mat3f > K_3)
void calculateKWithCFM (DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< Vec3f > pos, DArray< Mat3f > inertia, DArray< float > mass, DArray< float > K_1, DArray< Mat2f > K_2, DArray< Mat3f > K_3, DArray< float > CFM)
void JacobiIteration (DArray< float > lambda, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< float > eta, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< int > nbq, DArray< float > K_1, DArray< Mat2f > K_2, DArray< Mat3f > K_3, DArray< float > mass, DArray< float > fricCoeffs, float mu, float g, float dt)
void JacobiIterationForCFM (DArray< float > lambda, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< float > eta, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< int > nbq, DArray< float > K_1, DArray< Mat2f > K_2, DArray< Mat3f > K_3, DArray< float > mass, DArray< float > CFM, float mu, float g, float dt)
void JacobiIterationStrict (DArray< float > lambda, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< float > eta, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< int > nbq, DArray< float > d, DArray< float > mass, float mu, float g, float dt)
void JacobiIterationForSoft (DArray< float > lambda, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< float > eta, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< int > nbq, DArray< float > K_1, DArray< Mat2f > K_2, DArray< Mat3f > K_3, DArray< float > mass, DArray< float > mu, float g, float dt, float zeta, float hertz)
void JacobiIterationForNJS (DArray< float > lambda, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< float > eta, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< int > nbq, DArray< float > K_1, DArray< Mat2f > K_2, DArray< Mat3f > K_3)
void setUpGravity (DArray< Vec3f > impulse_ext, float g, float dt)
Real checkOutError (DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > mImpulse, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< float > eta)
void calculateDiagnals (DArray< float > d, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B)
void preConditionJ (DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< float > d, DArray< float > eta)
bool saveVectorToFile (const std::vector< float > &vec, const std::string &filename)
void calculateEtaVectorForRelaxation (DArray< float > eta, DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > velocity, DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints)
double checkOutErrors (DArray< float > errors)
void calculateMatrixA (DArray< Vec3f > &J, DArray< Vec3f > &B, DArray< float > &A, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints, float k)
bool saveMatrixToFile (DArray< float > &Matrix, int n, const std::string &filename)
bool saveVectorToFile (DArray< float > &vec, const std::string &filename)
void vectorSub (DArray< float > &ans, DArray< float > &subtranhend, DArray< float > &minuend, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints)
void vectorAdd (DArray< float > &ans, DArray< float > &v1, DArray< float > &v2, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints)
void vectorMultiplyScale (DArray< float > &ans, DArray< float > &initialVec, float scale, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints)
void vectorClampSupport (DArray< float > v, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints)
void vectorClampFriction (DArray< float > v, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, int contact_size, float mu)
void matrixMultiplyVec (DArray< Vec3f > &J, DArray< Vec3f > &B, DArray< float > &lambda, DArray< float > &ans, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints, int bodyNum)
float vectorNorm (DArray< float > &a, DArray< float > &b)
void vectorMultiplyVector (DArray< float > &v1, DArray< float > &v2, DArray< float > &ans, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints)
void calculateImpulseByLambda (DArray< float > lambda, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< Vec3f > impulse, DArray< Vec3f > B)
void preconditionedResidual (DArray< float > &residual, DArray< float > &ans, DArray< float > &k_1, DArray< Mat2f > &k_2, DArray< Mat3f > &k_3, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints)
void buildCFMAndERP (DArray< Vec3f > J, DArray< Vec3f > B, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints, DArray< float > CFM, DArray< float > ERP, float hertz, float zeta, float dt)
void calculateLinearSystemLHS (DArray< Vec3f > &J, DArray< Vec3f > &B, DArray< Vec3f > &impulse, DArray< float > &lambda, DArray< float > &ans, DArray< float > &CFM, DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > &constraints)
 DEFINE_CLASS (MultibodySystem)
static void set_v (TetInfo &obj, const std::vector< Vec3f > &values)
static std::vector< Vec3fget_v (const TetInfo &obj)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TrackedTank)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Real calculateIntersectionArea (const TPoint3D< Real > &pt, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triangle, const Real &R)
 Calculate the intersection area between a sphere and a triangle by using the domain decompsotion algorithm. For more details, please refer to Section 4.1 of [Chang et al. 2020]: "Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows".
 DEFINE_CLASS (SemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SemiAnalyticalPositionBasedFluidModel)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SemiAnalyticalSFINode)
void SetupAttributesForSFI (DArray< Attribute > &att)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SemiAnalyticalSurfaceTensionModel)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TriangularMeshBoundary)
 DEFINE_CLASS (MarchingCubes)
 DEFINE_CLASS (AdaptiveVolumeToTriangleSet)
static float point_segment_distance (const Vec3f &x0, const Vec3f &x1, const Vec3f &x2)
static float point_triangle_distance (const Vec3f &x0, const Vec3f &x1, const Vec3f &x2, const Vec3f &x3)
static void FSM_CheckNeighbour (const CArray< Vec3ui > &tri, const CArray< Vec3f > &vert, CArray3f &phi, CArray3i &closest_tri, const Vec3f &gx, int i0, int j0, int k0, int i1, int j1, int k1)
static void sweep (const CArray< Vec3ui > &tri, const CArray< Vec3f > &x, CArray3f &phi, CArray3i &closest_tri, const Vec3f &origin, float dx, int di, int dj, int dk)
static int orientation (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double &twice_signed_area)
static bool point_in_triangle_2d (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double &a, double &b, double &c)
 DEFINE_CLASS (FastSweepingMethod)
 DECLARE_ENUM (BoolType, Intersect=0, Union=1, Minus=2)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeToGridCell)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeToTriangleSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SparseMarchingCubes)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SparseVolumeClipper)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeBoolean)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeClipper)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeGenerator)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeLoader)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeOctree)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeOctreeBoolean)
 DEFINE_CLASS (VolumeOctreeGenerator)
static DYN_FUNC OcKey CalculateMortonCode (OcIndex x, OcIndex y, OcIndex z)
static DYN_FUNC void RecoverFromMortonCode (OcKey key, OcIndex &x, OcIndex &y, OcIndex &z)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (AddRealAndReal, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (FloatingNumber, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (Vector3Source, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_CLASS (PrintUnsigned)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (DivideRealAndReal, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (MultiplyRealAndReal, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (SubtractRealAndReal, TDataType)
std::string earse_spacing (const std::string &str)
bool parse_enum_string (const std::string &enum_str, EnumMap &enumKeyValueList)
std::string FormatConnectionInfo (FBase *fin, FBase *fout, bool connecting, bool succeeded)
std::string FormatConnectionInfo (Node *node, NodePort *port, bool connecting, bool succeeded)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ParametricModel)
void disconnect (Node *node, NodePort *port)
bool Register (ClassInfo *ci)
void BFS (Node *node, NodeList &list, std::map< ObjectId, bool > &visited)
void BFSWithAutoSync (Node *node, NodeList &list, std::map< ObjectId, bool > &visited)
 DEFINE_CLASS (EdgePickerNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PointPickerNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (QuadPickerNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TrianglePickerNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (EigenValueWriter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GeometryLoader)
bool loadTextureMeshFromObj (std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh, const FilePath &fullname)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ParticleWriter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PointsLoader)
 DEFINE_CLASS (StaticMeshLoader)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TetraMeshWriter)
bool cmp (OriginalFaceId a, OriginalFaceId b)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TetraMeshWriterFracture)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TriangleMeshWriter)
 DEFINE_CLASS (BasicShape)
 DEFINE_CLASS (CapsuleModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (CapsuleModel, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (ConeModel, TDataType)
bool operator< (const Index2D &lhs, const Index2D &rhs)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (CubeModel, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (CylinderModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (CylinderModel, TDataType)
bool operator< (const Index2DPlane &lhs, const Index2DPlane &rhs)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PlaneModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PlaneModel, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SphereModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (SphereModel, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (CollisionDetector)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (ConvertToTextureMesh, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (CopyModel, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (CopyToPoint, TDataType)
Vec3f crossProduct (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
float triangleArea (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &c)
Vec3f projectPointToTriangle (const Vec3f &A, const Vec3f &B, const Vec3f &C, const Vec3f &P)
bool isPointInTriangle (const Vec3f &pt, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &c)
bool isEar (const std::vector< Vec3f > &vertices, const TopologyModule::Triangle &triangle, Vec3f n)
std::vector< TopologyModule::TriangleearClipping (const std::vector< Vec3f > &vertices)
 DEFINE_CLASS (EarClipper)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (EarClipper, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (EditableMesh, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (ExtractShape, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (ExtrudeModel, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PointClip, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PolyExtrude, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PolygonSetToTriangleSetNode, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SweepModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (SweepModel, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (TextureMeshMerge, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (TransformModel, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (TurningModel)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (TurningModel, TDataType)
void getBoundingBoxByName (tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, const std::string &attributeName, TAlignedBox3D< Real > &bound, Transform3f &transform)
void getVec3fByAttributeName (tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, const std::string &attributeName, std::vector< Vec3f > &vertices)
void getVec4ByAttributeName (tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, const std::string &attributeName, std::vector< Vec4f > &vec4Data)
void getRealByIndex (tinygltf::Model &model, int index, std::vector< Real > &result)
void getVec3fByIndex (tinygltf::Model &model, int index, std::vector< Vec3f > &result)
void getQuatByIndex (tinygltf::Model &model, int index, std::vector< Quat< float > > &result)
void getTriangles (tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, std::vector< TopologyModule::Triangle > &triangles, int pointOffest)
std::string getTexUri (const std::vector< tinygltf::Texture > &textures, const std::vector< tinygltf::Image > &images, int index)
void getVertexBindJoint (tinygltf::Model &model, const tinygltf::Primitive &primitive, const std::string &attributeName, std::vector< Vec4f > &vec4Data, const std::vector< int > &skinJoints)
void getNodesAndHierarchy (tinygltf::Model &model, std::map< scene, std::vector< int > > Scene_JointsNodesId, std::vector< joint > &all_Nodes, std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > &id_Dir)
void traverseNode (tinygltf::Model &model, joint id, std::vector< joint > &joint_nodes, std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > &dir, std::vector< joint > currentDir)
void getJointsTransformData (const std::vector< int > &all_Joints, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &joint_child, std::map< int, Quat< float > > &joint_rotation, std::map< int, Vec3f > &joint_scale, std::map< int, Vec3f > &joint_translation, std::map< int, Mat4f > &joint_matrix, tinygltf::Model model)
void importAnimation (tinygltf::Model model, std::map< joint, Vec3i > &joint_output, std::map< joint, Vec3f > &joint_input, std::map< joint, std::vector< Vec3f > > &joint_T_f_anim, std::map< joint, std::vector< Real > > &joint_T_Time, std::map< joint, std::vector< Vec3f > > &joint_S_f_anim, std::map< joint, std::vector< Real > > &joint_S_Time, std::map< joint, std::vector< Quat< float > > > &joint_R_f_anim, std::map< joint, std::vector< Real > > &joint_R_Time)
void buildInverseBindMatrices (const std::vector< joint > &all_Joints, std::map< joint, Mat4f > &joint_matrix, int &maxJointId, tinygltf::Model &model, std::map< joint, Quat< float > > &joint_rotation, std::map< joint, Vec3f > &joint_translation, std::map< joint, Vec3f > &joint_scale, std::map< joint, Mat4f > &joint_inverseBindMatrix, std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > jointId_joint_Dir)
void updateJoint_Mesh_Camera_Dir (tinygltf::Model &model, int &jointNum, int &meshNum, std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > &jointId_joint_Dir, std::vector< joint > &all_Joints, std::vector< int > &all_Nodes, std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > nodeId_Dir, std::map< int, std::vector< int > > &meshId_Dir, std::vector< int > &all_Meshs, int &maxJointId)
std::vector< int > getJointDirByJointIndex (int Index, std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > jointId_joint_Dir)
void getMeshMatrix (tinygltf::Model &model, const std::vector< int > &all_MeshNodeIDs, int &maxMeshId, CArray< Mat4f > &mesh_Matrix)
template<typename Vec3f, typename Vec4f, typename Mat4f, typename Vec2u>
void skinAnimation (DArray< Vec3f > &intialPosition, DArray< Vec3f > &worldPosition, DArray< Mat4f > &joint_inverseBindMatrix, DArray< Mat4f > &WorldMatrix, DArray< Vec4f > &bind_joints_0, DArray< Vec4f > &bind_joints_1, DArray< Vec4f > &weights_0, DArray< Vec4f > &weights_1, Mat4f transform, bool isNormal, Vec2u range)
void loadGLTFTextureMesh (std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh, const std::string &filepath)
void loadGLTFMaterial (tinygltf::Model &model, std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh, FilePath filename)
void loadGLTFShape (tinygltf::Model &model, std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh, const std::string &filepath, DArray< Vec3f > *initialPosition=nullptr, DArray< Vec3f > *initialNormal=nullptr, DArray< Mat4f > *d_mesh_Matrix=nullptr, DArray< int > *d_shape_meshId=nullptr, std::shared_ptr< SkinInfo > skinData=nullptr)
template<typename Triangle>
void updateVertexIdShape (DArray< Triangle > &triangle, DArray< uint > &ID_shapeId, int &shapeId, int size)
template<typename Mat4f, typename Vec3f>
void shapeTransform (DArray< Vec3f > &intialPosition, DArray< Vec3f > &worldPosition, DArray< Vec3f > &intialNormal, DArray< Vec3f > &Normal, DArray< Mat4f > &WorldMatrix, DArray< uint > &vertexId_shape, DArray< int > &shapeId_MeshId)
template<typename Vec3f>
void setupPoints (DArray< Vec3f > &newPos, DArray< Vec3f > &pos, DArray< int > &radix)
template<typename uint>
void Shape_PointCounter (DArray< int > &counter, DArray< uint > &point_ShapeIds, uint &target)
template<typename Vec3f, typename uint>
void shapeToCenter (DArray< Vec3f > &iniPos, DArray< Vec3f > &finalPos, DArray< uint > &shapeId, DArray< Vec3f > &t)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (GltfLoader, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (JointDeform, TDataType)
bool loadTexture (const char *path, dyno::CArray2D< dyno::Vec4f > &img)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (NormalVisualization, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PointFromCurve)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PointFromCurve, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PointsBehindMesh, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PoissonPlane)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (PoissonPlane, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ShapeSampler)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (ShapeSampler, TDataType)
void loopSubdivide (std::vector< Vec3f > &vertices, std::vector< TopologyModule::Triangle > &triangles)
 DEFINE_CLASS (Subdivide)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (Subdivide, TDataType)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (VectorVisualNode, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GLCommonPointVisualNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GLInstanceVisualNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GLPointVisualNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GLSurfaceVisualNode)
 DEFINE_CLASS (GLWireframeVisualNode)
GLenum glCheckError_ (const char *file, int line)
std::array< glm::vec4, 8 > getFrustumCorners (const glm::mat4 &proj)
glm::mat4 getLightViewMatrix (glm::vec3 lightDir)
glm::mat4 getLightProjMatrix (glm::mat4 lightView, Vec3f lowerBound, Vec3f upperBound, glm::mat4 cameraView, glm::mat4 cameraProj)
static void RecieveLogMessage (const Log::Message &m)
static void glfw_error_callback (int error, const char *description)
QString FormatFieldWidgetName (std::string name)
QString FormatBlockPortName (std::string name)
QString FormatBlockCaptionName (std::string name)
QString FormatDescription (std::string name)
int CalculteInterval (int val)
static PDockWidgetfindByName (const QMainWindow *mainWindow, const QString &name)
static PIODockWidgetfindByName (const QMainWindow *mainWindow, const QString &name)
PButtonType mappingMouseButton (QMouseEvent *event)
PModifierBits mappingModifierBits (Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods)
template<typename T>
T castMaximum (float v)
template<typename T>
T castMinimum (float v)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC float fsign (Real v)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void swapContactPair (TManifold< Real > &m)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool trackFaceAxis (int &axis, Real &sMax, Vector< Real, 3 > &axisNormal, int n, Real s, const Vector< Real, 3 > &normal)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool trackEdgeAxis (int &axis, Real &sMax, Vector< Real, 3 > &axisNormal, int n, Real s, const Vector< Real, 3 > &normal)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void computeReferenceEdgesAndBasis (unsigned char *out, SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > *basis, Vector< Real, 3 > *e, const Vector< Real, 3 > &eR, const Transform< Real, 3 > &rtx, Vector< Real, 3 > n, int axis)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void computeIncidentFace (ClipVertex *out, const Transform< Real, 3 > &itx, const Vector< Real, 3 > &e, Vector< Real, 3 > n)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int orthographic (ClipVertex *out, Real sign, Real e, int axis, int clipEdge, ClipVertex *in, int inCount)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int clip (ClipVertex *outVerts, float *outDepths, const Vector< Real, 3 > &rPos, const Vector< Real, 3 > &e, unsigned char *clipEdges, const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &basis, ClipVertex *incident)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void edgesContact (Vector< Real, 3 > &CA, Vector< Real, 3 > &CB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &PA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &QA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &PB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &QB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void checkSignedDistance (Real lowerBoundaryA, Real upperBoundaryA, Real lowerBoundaryB, Real upperBoundaryB, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundaryA, Real &boundaryB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkPointInBoundary (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &N, const Real &b, const Real &r)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void updateSDF (Real &boundaryA, Real &boundaryB, Real &depth, Vec3f &normal, Real currentBoundaryA, Real currentBoundaryB, Real currentDepth, Vec3f currentN)
template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void checkSignedDistanceAxis (Real &intersectionDistance, Real &BoundaryA, Real &BoundaryB, const Vec3f axisNormal, ShapeA &shapeA, ShapeB &shapeB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB)
template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void checkAxisPoint (TSeparationData< Real > &sat, ShapeA &shapeA, ShapeB &shapeB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB, Vec3f pA, Vec3f pB, const Real rA=0.f, const Real rB=0.f)
template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void checkAxisEdge (TSeparationData< Real > &sat, ShapeA &shapeA, ShapeB &shapeB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB, Segment3D edgeA, Segment3D edgeB)
template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void checkAxisTri (TSeparationData< Real > &sat, ShapeA &shapeA, ShapeB &shapeB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB, Triangle3D tri, SeparationType type)
template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void checkAxisRect (TSeparationData< Real > &sat, ShapeA &shapeA, ShapeB &shapeB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB, Rectangle3D rect, SeparationType type)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void projectOnAxis (Real &lowerBoundary, Real &upperBoundary, const Vec3f axisNormal, Sphere3D sphere, const Real radius)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactOnSphere (TManifold< Real > &m, TSeparationData< Real > &sat, const TSphere3D< Real > &sphereB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithTri (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triA, const TSphere3D< Real > &sphereB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithRect (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TRectangle3D< Real > &rectA, const TSphere3D< Real > &sphereB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void projectOnAxis (Real &lowerBoundary, Real &upperBoundary, const Vec3f axisNormal, Segment3D seg, const Real radius)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithTri (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triA, const TSegment3D< Real > &segB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithRect (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TRectangle3D< Real > &rectA, const TSegment3D< Real > &segB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactOnSeg (TManifold< Real > &m, TSeparationData< Real > &sat, const TSegment3D< Real > &segB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void projectOnAxis (Real &lowerBoundary, Real &upperBoundary, const Vec3f axisNormal, Triangle3D tri, const Real radius)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithTri (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triA, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithRect (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TRectangle3D< Real > &rectA, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real, typename Shape>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactOnTri (TManifold< Real > &m, TSeparationData< Real > &sat, const Shape &shapeA, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void projectOnAxis (Real &lowerBoundary, Real &upperBoundary, const Vec3f axisNormal, Tet3D tet, const Real radius)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithTri (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triA, const TTet3D< Real > &tetB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithRect (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TRectangle3D< Real > &rectA, const TTet3D< Real > &tetB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real, typename Shape>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactOnTet (TManifold< Real > &m, TSeparationData< Real > &sat, const Shape &shapeA, const TTet3D< Real > &tetB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void projectOnAxis (Real &lowerBoundary, Real &upperBoundary, const Vec3f axisNormal, OrientedBox3D box, const Real radius)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithTri (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TTriangle3D< Real > &triA, const TOrientedBox3D< Real > &boxB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int ClippingWithRect (Vector< Real, 3 > *q, const TRectangle3D< Real > &rectA, const TOrientedBox3D< Real > &boxB, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transA, const Vector< Real, 3 > &transB)
template<typename Real, typename Shape>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactOnBox (TManifold< Real > &m, TSeparationData< Real > &sat, const Shape &shapeA, const TOrientedBox3D< Real > &boxB, const Real radiusA, const Real radiusB)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void computeSupportEdge (Vector< Real, 3 > &aOut, Vector< Real, 3 > &bOut, const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > &rot, const Vector< Real, 3 > &trans, const Vector< Real, 3 > &e, Vector< Real, 3 > n)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlapAxis (Real &lowerBoundary1, Real &upperBoundary1, Real &lowerBoundary2, Real &upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, OrientedBox3D box, Capsule3D cap)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlapTetTri (Real lowerBoundary1, Real upperBoundary1, Real lowerBoundary2, Real upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlapAxis (Real &lowerBoundary1, Real &upperBoundary1, Real &lowerBoundary2, Real &upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet, Capsule3D cap)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactCaps (Real boundary1, Real boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, TCapsule3D< Real > cap, TOrientedBox3D< Real > box, Real depth, TManifold< Real > &m)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactTets (Real boundary1, Real boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet, Capsule3D cap, Real sMax, TManifold< Real > &m)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactTetTri (Real boundary1, Real boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet, Triangle3D triangle, Real sMax, TManifold< Real > &m)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlap (Real lowerBoundary1, Real upperBoundary1, Real lowerBoundary2, Real upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlapAxis (Real &lowerBoundary1, Real &upperBoundary1, Real &lowerBoundary2, Real &upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet1, Tet3D tet2)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlapAxis (Real &lowerBoundary1, Real &upperBoundary1, Real &lowerBoundary2, Real &upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet, Triangle3D tri)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool checkOverlapAxis (Real &lowerBoundary1, Real &upperBoundary1, Real &lowerBoundary2, Real &upperBoundary2, Real &intersectionDistance, Real &boundary1, Real &boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet, OrientedBox3D box)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactTets (Real boundary1, Real boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet1, Tet3D tet2, Real sMax, TManifold< Real > &m)
template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void setupContactTets (Real boundary1, Real boundary2, const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal, Tet3D tet, TOrientedBox3D< Real > box, Real sMax, TManifold< Real > &m)
template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC bool calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSet (ProjectedPoint3D< Real > &p3d, Coord point, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertices, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &indices, List< IndexType > &list, Real dHat=0)
 Calculate the signed distance from a point to a triangular mesh.
template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC bool calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSetFromNormal (ProjectedPoint3D< Real > &p3d, Coord point, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertices, Array< TopologyModule::Edge, deviceType > &edges, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &triangles, Array< TopologyModule::Tri2Edg, deviceType > &t2e, Array< Coord, deviceType > &edgeNormal, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertexNormal, List< IndexType > &list, Real dHat=0)
template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC bool calculateDistance2TriangleSet (ProjectedPoint3D< Real > &p3d, Coord point, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertices, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &indices, List< IndexType > &list, Real dHat=0)
 Calculate the distance from a point to a triangular mesh.
template<typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC void SO_ComputeObjectAndNormal (Coord &pobject, Coord &pnormal, Array< Coord, deviceType > &surf_points, Array< TopologyModule::Edge, deviceType > &edge, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &surf_triangles, Array< TopologyModule::Tri2Edg, deviceType > &t2e, Array< Coord, deviceType > &edgeN, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertexN, Coord ppos, IndexType surf_id)
 IMPLEMENT_TCLASS (DiscreteElementsToTriangleSet, TDataType)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ExtractEdgeSetFromPolygonSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ExtractTriangleSetFromPolygonSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (ExtractQaudSetFromPolygonSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (MergeSimplexSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (MergeTriangleSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (PointSetToTriangleSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (SplitSimplexSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (CalculateMaximum)
 DEFINE_CLASS (CalculateMinimum)
 DEFINE_CLASS (AnimationCurve)
DYN_FUNC OcKey CalculateMortonCode (Level l, OcIndex x, OcIndex y, OcIndex z)
DYN_FUNC void RecoverFromMortonCode (OcKey key, Level &l, OcIndex &x, OcIndex &y, OcIndex &z)
 DEFINE_CLASS (StructuredPointSet)
 DEFINE_CLASS (UniformGrid3D)
 DEFINE_CLASS (UnstructuredPointSet)
 IMPLEMENT_CLASS (DiscreteElementsToTriangleSet)


constexpr Real EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()
constexpr Real REAL_EPSILON = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon)()
constexpr Real REAL_MAX = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::max)()
constexpr Real REAL_MIN = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::min)()
constexpr Real REAL_INF = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity)()
constexpr uint BLOCK_SIZE = 64
static std::map< std::string, ClassInfo * > * classInfoMap = NULL
std::vector< px::BoxhBox
std::map< int, PKeyboardTypeKeyMap
QWaitCondition m_wait_condition
constexpr int EMPTY = -1

Detailed Description

This is an implementation of AdditiveCCD based on peridyno.

This class implements the lienar BVH based on "Maximizing Parallelism in the Construction of BVHs, Octrees, and k-d Trees" by Tero Karras, High Performance Graphics, 2012.

Initial commit.

This is an implementation of drag interaction calculated by vertex, with topo of triangularMesh.

This is an implementation of drag interaction calculated by triangles.

This is an implementation of Adapted SIMPLE Algorithm for SPH Fluids based on peridyno.

This is a implementation of a std::vector liked Random Access Container, however, dynamic allocating is not provided. User have to reserve a buffer strickly offer buffer_size. If needed, user may use copy construct or use a pair of iterator and a buffer_size (default = iterator slice size) to reserve by an exist container or rescourse. However, the second rountine is quite dangerous, because neight the implementation nor complier will check whether the memory is correctly construct, i.e. with proper alignment and struct when none-trivial type (i.e. ADT) is used. All memory visiting behavior and insertion manipulation is asserting protected to aviod protential illegal memory access.

This is an implementation of TightCCD based on peridyno.

Copyright 2021 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2021 Lixin Ren

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2022 Zixuan Lu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Additive CCD calc maximum TOI such that d(x) > s * (d(x) - xi) + xi to satisfy separation in collision handling board phrase, where d(x) is current primitive distance and xi is the thickness. s is a rescalar.

For details, refer to "Li M, Kaufman D M, Jiang C. Codimensional incremental potential contact[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.04457, 2020." chapter 5.

Copyright 2021 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

For details, refer to "TightCCD: Efficient and Robust Continuous Collision Detection using Tight Error Bounds" by Wang et al., Pacific Graphics 2015

Be aware TightCCD can remove all the false negatives but not all the false positives refer to "A Large Scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-Based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection", TOG 2020, for a comparison for advantages and disadvantages of all CCD methods

Copyright 2024 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023 Zixuan Lu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023 Zixuan Lu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • assign() make assignment
  • begin() get begin iterator
  • end() get end (non-used) iterator
  • empty() check empty
  • size() get number of previous elements
  • capacity() get maximium capacity
  • resize() resize number of exist elements
  • reserve() which is required and should be called only once, (unless to recommit)
  • data() get pointer of memory
  • operator[] random access rountine, logically should not use assertion for range-out check, but used in thie version
  • at() random access rountine (implement exactly the same as operator[] in this version)
  • front() get front element reference, which is placed in begin()
  • back() get back reference, which is placed in end()-1
  • push_back() push back element
  • pop_back() pop back tail's element
  • find() find the first element with value, using == or predicate function, value_type is required to be comparable
  • insert() set of insertion rountine
  • erase() set of erase rountine
  • clear() clear container, the associated memory will be deconstructed (i.e. ~value_type() is called explicitly), reserved buffer will not be influenced.

Copyright 2022-2024 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2021~2024 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2022 hanxingyixue

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2022 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2024 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2022 Lixin Ren

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2022 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023~2024 Hao He, Shusen Liu.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2021 Yue Chang

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2024 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2021 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

For details, refer to "Shusen Liu, Xiaowei He, Wencheng Wang, Enhua Wu. Adapted SIMPLE Algorithm for Incompressible SPH Fluids With a Broad Range Viscosity[J], IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS,2022:28(9). Copyright 2021 Zixuan Lu Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This algorithm simply take mouse coordinate on screen, while transforming it into intersection plane in world space. The selected point (surface vertex) will shift to fix through directed manipulation on attribute, position and velocity of particles, and the attribute will be restored when mouse-press released.

Copyright 2024 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2024 Liang Ruikai

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2021 Nurshat Menglik

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

: Yue Chang (yuech.nosp@m.ang@.nosp@m.pku.e.nosp@m.du.c.nosp@m.n)
: 2021-08-06 @description: Declaration of SemiAnalyticalIncompressibilityModule class, implemendation of semi-analytical perojection-based fluids introduced in the paper <Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows>
: 1.1
: Yue Chang (yuech.nosp@m.ang@.nosp@m.pku.e.nosp@m.du.c.nosp@m.n)
: 2021-08-06 @description: Implemendation of SemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel class, a container for semi-analytical projection-based fluids introduced in the paper <Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows>
: 1.1
: Yue Chang (yuech.nosp@m.ang@.nosp@m.pku.e.nosp@m.du.c.nosp@m.n)
: 2021-08-06 @description: Declaration of SemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel class, a container for semi-analytical projection-based fluids introduced in the paper <Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows>
: 1.1 SemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel a NumericalModel for semi-analytical projection-based fluids The solver is projection-based fluids with semi-analytical boundaries reference: "Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows"

Could be used by being created and initialized at SemiAnalyticalSFINode Fields required to be initialized include: m_particle_position m_particle_velocity m_particle_force_density m_particle_attribute m_particle_mass m_triangle_vertex_mass m_triangle_index m_triangle_vertex m_triangle_vertex_old m_smoothing_length

Copyright 2022 Nurshat Menglik

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

: Xiaowei He
: 2023/5/14 @description: renamed to SemiAnalyticalParticleShifting
: Yue Chang (yuech.nosp@m.ang@.nosp@m.pku.e.nosp@m.du.c.nosp@m.n)
: 2021-08-04 @description: Declaration of SemiAnalyticalPBD class, which implements the position-based part of semi-analytical boundary conditions introduced in the paper <Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows>
: 1.1
: Yue Chang (yuech.nosp@m.ang@.nosp@m.pku.e.nosp@m.du.c.nosp@m.n)
: 2021-08-06 @description: implemendation of PositionBasedFluidModelMesh class, a container for semi-analytical PBD fluids introduced in the paper <Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows>
: 1.1
: Yue Chang (yuech.nosp@m.ang@.nosp@m.pku.e.nosp@m.du.c.nosp@m.n)
: 2021-08-06 @description: Declaration of PositionBasedFluidModelMesh class, a container for semi-analytical PBD fluids introduced in the paper <Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows>
: 1.1 PositionBasedFluidModelMesh a NumericalModel for semi-analytical PBD fluids The solver is PBD fluids with semi-analytical boundaries reference: "Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows"

Could be used by being created and initialized at SemiAnalyticalSFINode Fields required to be initialized include: m_position m_velocity m_forceDensity m_vn TriPoint TriPointOld Tri m_smoothingLength

Copyright 2022 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 hanxingyixue

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2021 Xiawoei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Support multi-threading


Copyright 2021-2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2022 Xiawoei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2024 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Revision history:

2024-02-03: replace TriangleSet with PolygonSet as the major state;

Copyright 2022 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2022 Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Revision history:

2024-02-03: replace TriangleSet with PolygonSet as the major state;

Copyright 2023 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2022 Xiaowei He & Shusen Liu

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2023 Jian SHI

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 Xiaowei HE

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2022 Jian SHI

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 Jian SHI

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2023 Xiaowei HE

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023-2023 Jian SHI

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 Xiaowei He (

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2021 Xukun Luo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: OpenGL-based Visualization Widget Module: POpenGLWidget.h

Copyright 2021 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize a bool type value Module: QBoolFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2022-2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize Color Module: QVector3iFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt Property Item Module: QRampWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize an enum value Module: QEnumFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Parent class for all field widgets Module: QFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt Property widgets to support string or file path Module: QFilePathWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize an integer or unsigned integer Module: QIntegerFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize a float or double type value Module: QRealFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt Property Item Module: PPropertyItem.h

Copyright 2022 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize Vec3f or Vec3d Module: QVector3FieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize Vec3i or Vec3u Module: QVector3iFieldWidget.h

Copyright 2022 Xiaowei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to visualize Vec3f or Vec3d Module: QVector3FieldWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Program: Qt-based widget to Config Vehicle bindings Module: QVehicleInfoWidget.h

Copyright 2023 Yuzhong Guo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2024 Xiawoei He

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2023 Xukun Luo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright 2017-2022 Yuantian Cai

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Typedef Documentation


typedef::dyno::TAlignedBox3D< Real > dyno::AABB

Definition at line 11 of file CollisionDetectionBroadPhase.h.

◆ AlignedBox3D

Definition at line 870 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ byte

typedef unsigned char dyno::byte

Definition at line 18 of file GltfFunc.h.

◆ Capsule3D

typedef TCapsule3D<double> dyno::Capsule3D

Definition at line 868 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ CArray

template<typename T>
using dyno::CArray = Array<T, DeviceType::CPU>

Definition at line 151 of file Array.h.

◆ CArray2D

template<typename T>
using dyno::CArray2D = Array2D<T, DeviceType::CPU>

Definition at line 131 of file Array2D.h.

◆ CArray3D

template<typename T>
using dyno::CArray3D = Array3D<T, DeviceType::CPU>

Definition at line 136 of file Array3D.h.

◆ CArray3f

typedef CArray3D< float > dyno::CArray3f

Definition at line 27 of file FastSweepingMethod.h.

◆ CArray3i

typedef CArray3D< int > dyno::CArray3i

Definition at line 28 of file FastSweepingMethod.h.

◆ CArray3ui

typedef CArray3D< unsigned int > dyno::CArray3ui

Definition at line 26 of file FastSweepingMethod.h.

◆ CArrayList

template<typename T>
using dyno::CArrayList = ArrayList<T, DeviceType::CPU>

Definition at line 207 of file ArrayList.h.

◆ CArrayMap

template<typename T>
using dyno::CArrayMap = ArrayMap<T, DeviceType::CPU>

Definition at line 94 of file ArrayMap.h.

◆ Cone3D

typedef TCone3D<double> dyno::Cone3D

Definition at line 873 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Cylinder3D

typedef TCylinder3D<double> dyno::Cylinder3D

Definition at line 872 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ DArray

template<typename T>
using dyno::DArray = Array<T, DeviceType::GPU>

Definition at line 89 of file Array.inl.

◆ DArray2D

template<typename T>
using dyno::DArray2D = Array2D<T, DeviceType::GPU>

Definition at line 90 of file Array2D.inl.

◆ DArray3D

template<typename T>
using dyno::DArray3D = Array3D<T, DeviceType::GPU>

Definition at line 90 of file Array3D.inl.

◆ DArrayList

template<typename ElementType>
using dyno::DArrayList = ArrayList<ElementType, DeviceType::GPU>

Definition at line 83 of file ArrayList.inl.

◆ DArrayMap

template<typename T>
using dyno::DArrayMap = ArrayMap<T, DeviceType::GPU>

Definition at line 82 of file ArrayMap.inl.

◆ DataType1d

typedef DataTypes<double, float, float, Rigid<double, 1> > dyno::DataType1d

1d DOF, double precision

Definition at line 49 of file DataTypes.h.

◆ DataType1f

typedef DataTypes<float, float, float, Rigid<float, 1> > dyno::DataType1f

1f DOF, single precision

Definition at line 37 of file DataTypes.h.

◆ DataType2d

2d DOF, double precision

Definition at line 53 of file DataTypes.h.

◆ DataType2f

2f DOF, single precision

Definition at line 41 of file DataTypes.h.

◆ DataType3d

3d DOF, double precision

Definition at line 57 of file DataTypes.h.

◆ DataType3f

3f DOF, single precision

Definition at line 45 of file DataTypes.h.

◆ DeviceArrayField

template<typename T>
using dyno::DeviceArrayField = FArray<T, DeviceType::GPU>

Definition at line 279 of file Field.h.

◆ DeviceVarField

template<typename T>
using dyno::DeviceVarField = FVar<T>

Definition at line 142 of file Field.h.

◆ Disk3D

typedef TDisk3D<double> dyno::Disk3D

Definition at line 866 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ EnumMap

typedef std::map<int, std::string> dyno::EnumMap

Definition at line 25 of file DeclareEnum.h.

◆ FieldID

typedef std::string dyno::FieldID

Base class for modules.

This class contains all functionality shared by every module in Peridyno. It defines how to retrieve information about an class (name, type, data fields).

Definition at line 35 of file OBase.h.

◆ Grid1b

typedef DArray3D<bool> dyno::Grid1b

Definition at line 94 of file Array3D.inl.

◆ Grid1f

typedef DArray3D<float> dyno::Grid1f

Definition at line 92 of file Array3D.inl.

◆ Grid3f

typedef DArray3D<float3> dyno::Grid3f

Definition at line 93 of file Array3D.inl.

◆ HostArrayField

template<typename T>
using dyno::HostArrayField = FArray<T, DeviceType::CPU>

Definition at line 276 of file Field.h.

◆ HostVarField

template<typename T>
using dyno::HostVarField = FVar<T>

Definition at line 139 of file Field.h.

◆ int64

using dyno::int64 = signed long long

Definition at line 32 of file Typedef.inl.

◆ joint

typedef int dyno::joint

Definition at line 19 of file GltfFunc.h.

◆ Level

typedef unsigned short dyno::Level

Definition at line 38 of file VirtualSpatiallyAdaptiveStrategy.h.

◆ Line3D

typedef TLine3D<double> dyno::Line3D

Definition at line 860 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Mat2d

typedef SquareMatrix<double, 2> dyno::Mat2d

Definition at line 87 of file Matrix2x2.h.

◆ Mat2f

typedef SquareMatrix<float, 2> dyno::Mat2f

Definition at line 86 of file Matrix2x2.h.

◆ Mat3d

typedef SquareMatrix<double, 3> dyno::Mat3d

Definition at line 93 of file Matrix3x3.h.

◆ Mat3f

typedef SquareMatrix<float, 3> dyno::Mat3f

Definition at line 92 of file Matrix3x3.h.

◆ Mat4d

typedef SquareMatrix<double, 4> dyno::Mat4d

Definition at line 86 of file Matrix4x4.h.

◆ Mat4f

typedef SquareMatrix<float, 4> dyno::Mat4f

Definition at line 85 of file Matrix4x4.h.

◆ NodeList

typedef std::list<Node*> dyno::NodeList

Definition at line 27 of file SceneGraph.h.

◆ NodeMap

typedef std::map<ObjectId, std::shared_ptr<Node> > dyno::NodeMap

Definition at line 29 of file SceneGraph.h.

◆ ObjectConstructorFn

typedef Object *(* dyno::ObjectConstructorFn) (void)

Definition at line 27 of file Object.h.

◆ ObjectId

typedef uint32_t dyno::ObjectId

Definition at line 110 of file Object.h.

◆ OcIndex

typedef unsigned short dyno::OcIndex

Definition at line 36 of file VirtualSpatiallyAdaptiveStrategy.h.

◆ OcKey

typedef unsigned long long int dyno::OcKey

Definition at line 37 of file VirtualSpatiallyAdaptiveStrategy.h.

◆ OrientedBox3D

Definition at line 871 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Picture

typedef struct dyno::Picture dyno::Picture

◆ PKey

typedef unsigned long long int dyno::PKey

Definition at line 12 of file CollisionDetectionBroadPhase.h.

◆ Plane3D

typedef TPlane3D<double> dyno::Plane3D

Definition at line 863 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Point3D

typedef TPoint3D<double> dyno::Point3D

Definition at line 859 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ PointSweep3D

Definition at line 80 of file PrimitiveSweep3D.h.

◆ PointType

typedef int dyno::PointType

Definition at line 22 of file TopologyModule.h.

◆ ProgramID

typedef std::string dyno::ProgramID

Definition at line 36 of file OBase.h.

◆ ptrDiff_t

typedef long long dyno::ptrDiff_t

Definition at line 33 of file type_traits.h.

◆ Quat1d

typedef Quat<double> dyno::Quat1d

Definition at line 137 of file Quat.h.

◆ Quat1f

typedef Quat< float > dyno::Quat1f

Definition at line 136 of file Quat.h.

◆ Ray3D

typedef TRay3D<double> dyno::Ray3D

Definition at line 861 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Rectangle3D

Definition at line 865 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Rigid2d

typedef Rigid<double, 2> dyno::Rigid2d

Definition at line 42 of file rigid_2d.h.

◆ Rigid2f

typedef Rigid<float, 2> dyno::Rigid2f

Definition at line 41 of file rigid_2d.h.

◆ Rigid3d

typedef Rigid<double, 3> dyno::Rigid3d

Definition at line 46 of file rigid_3d.h.

◆ Rigid3f

typedef Rigid<float, 3> dyno::Rigid3f

Definition at line 45 of file rigid_3d.h.

◆ scene

typedef int dyno::scene

Definition at line 20 of file GltfFunc.h.

◆ SceneGraphCreator

typedef std::function<std::shared_ptr<SceneGraph>()> dyno::SceneGraphCreator

Definition at line 24 of file SceneGraphFactory.h.

◆ Segment3D

typedef TSegment3D<double> dyno::Segment3D

Definition at line 862 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Sphere3D

typedef TSphere3D<double> dyno::Sphere3D

Definition at line 867 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Tet3D

typedef TTet3D<double> dyno::Tet3D

Definition at line 869 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ Transform2d

typedef Transform<double, 2> dyno::Transform2d

Definition at line 48 of file Transform2x2.h.

◆ Transform2f

typedef Transform<float, 2> dyno::Transform2f

Definition at line 47 of file Transform2x2.h.

◆ Transform3d

typedef Transform<double, 3> dyno::Transform3d

Definition at line 47 of file Transform3x3.h.

◆ Transform3f

typedef Transform<float, 3> dyno::Transform3f

Definition at line 46 of file Transform3x3.h.

◆ Triangle

The standard summation density.

Template Parameters

Definition at line 58 of file SemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel.h.

◆ Triangle3D

typedef TTriangle3D<double> dyno::Triangle3D

Definition at line 864 of file Primitive3D.h.

◆ TriangleSweep3D

Definition at line 81 of file PrimitiveSweep3D.h.

◆ uchar

using dyno::uchar = unsigned char

Definition at line 30 of file Typedef.inl.

◆ uint

using dyno::uint = unsigned int

Definition at line 14 of file VkProgram.h.

◆ uint64

using dyno::uint64 = unsigned long long

Definition at line 31 of file Typedef.inl.

◆ Vec2d

typedef Vector<double, 2> dyno::Vec2d

Definition at line 82 of file Vector2D.h.

◆ Vec2f

typedef Vector<float, 2> dyno::Vec2f

Definition at line 81 of file Vector2D.h.

◆ Vec2i

typedef Vector<int, 2> dyno::Vec2i

Definition at line 84 of file Vector2D.h.

◆ Vec2u

typedef Vector<uint32_t, 2> dyno::Vec2u

Definition at line 83 of file Vector2D.h.

◆ Vec3c

typedef Vector<char, 3> dyno::Vec3c

Definition at line 97 of file Vector3D.h.

◆ Vec3d

typedef Vector<double, 3> dyno::Vec3d

Definition at line 94 of file Vector3D.h.

◆ Vec3f

typedef Vector<float, 3> dyno::Vec3f

Definition at line 93 of file Vector3D.h.

◆ Vec3i

typedef Vector< int, 3 > dyno::Vec3i

Definition at line 95 of file Vector3D.h.

◆ Vec3u

typedef Vector<uint, 3> dyno::Vec3u

Definition at line 96 of file Vector3D.h.

◆ Vec3uc

typedef Vector<uchar, 3> dyno::Vec3uc

Definition at line 98 of file Vector3D.h.

◆ Vec3ui

typedef Vector< unsigned int, 3 > dyno::Vec3ui

Definition at line 23 of file FastSweepingMethod.h.

◆ Vec4d

typedef Vector<double, 4> dyno::Vec4d

Definition at line 87 of file Vector4D.h.

◆ Vec4f

typedef Vector<float, 4> dyno::Vec4f

Definition at line 86 of file Vector4D.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BasicShapeType


Definition at line 22 of file BasicShape.h.

◆ BodyType


Definition at line 23 of file CollisionData.h.

◆ ButtonState


Definition at line 15 of file GlfwRenderWindow.h.

◆ CModeMask


Definition at line 11 of file CollisionData.h.

◆ CollisionMask


Definition at line 33 of file CollisionData.h.

◆ ConfigJointType


Definition at line 31 of file VehicleInfo.h.

◆ ConfigMotionType


Definition at line 14 of file VehicleInfo.h.

◆ ConfigShapeType


Definition at line 21 of file VehicleInfo.h.

◆ ConstraintType


Definition at line 59 of file CollisionData.h.

◆ ContactType


Definition at line 47 of file CollisionData.h.

◆ DataType


Definition at line 57 of file PDataViewerWidget.h.

◆ EEnvStyle


Definition at line 33 of file RenderEngine.h.

◆ ElementType


Definition at line 9 of file DiscreteElements.h.

◆ EnergyType


Definition at line 22 of file EnergyDensityFunction.h.

◆ FieldTypeEnum


Definition at line 29 of file FBase.h.

◆ GridType


Definition at line 28 of file VolumeMacros.h.

◆ GUIType


Definition at line 30 of file UbiApp.h.

◆ LerpMode

Linear interpolation functions for Array, Array2D and Array3D


Definition at line 29 of file Lerp.h.

◆ MotionType


Definition at line 12 of file RigidBodyShared.h.

◆ NodePortType


Definition at line 26 of file NodePort.h.

◆ PActionType


Definition at line 32 of file InputModule.h.

◆ PButtonType


Definition at line 24 of file InputModule.h.

◆ PKeyboardType


Definition at line 40 of file InputModule.h.

◆ PModifierBits


Definition at line 164 of file InputModule.h.

◆ QButtonState


Definition at line 42 of file POpenGLWidget.h.

◆ QButtonType


Definition at line 48 of file POpenGLWidget.h.

◆ SeparationType


Definition at line 7 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.h.

◆ TemplateName


Definition at line 49 of file PDataViewerWidget.h.

◆ VariableType


Device buffer.


Host buffer.


Constant variable.


Uniform variable.

Definition at line 13 of file VkVariable.h.

◆ VkFFT_Type


Definition at line 9 of file VkFFT.h.

◆ VkResizeType


Definition at line 21 of file VkVariable.h.

Function Documentation

◆ __builtin_clz()

DYN_FUNC unsigned int dyno::__builtin_clz ( unsigned int x)

Definition at line 246 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ abs() [1/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::abs ( const T & v)

Definition at line 81 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ abs() [2/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > dyno::abs ( const Vector< T, 2 > & v)

Definition at line 87 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ abs() [3/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > dyno::abs ( const Vector< T, 3 > & v)

Definition at line 97 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ abs() [4/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > dyno::abs ( const Vector< T, 4 > & v)

Definition at line 108 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ acos()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::acos ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 519 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ acosh()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::acosh ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 427 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ adjust_heap() [1/2]

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::adjust_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance topPosition,
Distance heapSize,
Distance position,
const T & value,
Compare compare )

adjust_heap Given a position that has just been vacated, this function moves new values into that vacated position appropriately. The Compare function must work equivalently to the compare function used to make and maintain the heap. This function requires that the value argument refer to a value that is currently not within the heap.

Definition at line 103 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ adjust_heap() [2/2]

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::adjust_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance topPosition,
Distance heapSize,
Distance position,
T && value,
Compare compare )

Definition at line 110 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ adjust_heap_impl()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare, typename ValueType>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::adjust_heap_impl ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance topPosition,
Distance heapSize,
Distance position,
T value,
Compare compare )

adjust heap implementation

Definition at line 74 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ApplyTransform()

void dyno::ApplyTransform ( DArrayList< Transform3f > & instanceTransform,
const DArray< Vec3f > & translate,
const DArray< Mat3f > & rotation,
const DArray< Pair< uint, uint > > & binding,
const DArray< int > & bindingtag )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ arg()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Real dyno::arg ( const Complex< Real > & __c)

Definition at line 273 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ asin()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::asin ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 510 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ asinh()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::asinh ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 384 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ atan()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::atan ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 555 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ atanh()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::atanh ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 458 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ BFS()

void dyno::BFS ( Node * node,
NodeList & list,
std::map< ObjectId, bool > & visited )

Definition at line 536 of file SceneGraph.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ BFSWithAutoSync()

void dyno::BFSWithAutoSync ( Node * node,
NodeList & list,
std::map< ObjectId, bool > & visited )

Definition at line 709 of file SceneGraph.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bilinear()

template<typename T, DeviceType deviceType>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::bilinear ( Array2D< T, deviceType > & array2d,
float x,
float y,
LerpMode mode = LerpMode::REPEAT )

Definition at line 56 of file Lerp.h.

◆ buffer2DPtr()

template<typename T>
VkDeviceArray2D< T > * dyno::buffer2DPtr ( )

Definition at line 69 of file VkProgram.h.

◆ buffer3DPtr()

template<typename T>
VkDeviceArray3D< T > * dyno::buffer3DPtr ( )

Definition at line 76 of file VkProgram.h.

◆ bufferPtr()

template<typename T>
VkDeviceArray< T > * dyno::bufferPtr ( )

Definition at line 62 of file VkProgram.h.

◆ buildCFMAndERP()

void dyno::buildCFMAndERP ( DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< float > CFM,
DArray< float > ERP,
float hertz,
float zeta,
float dt )

◆ buildInverseBindMatrices()

void dyno::buildInverseBindMatrices ( const std::vector< joint > & all_Joints,
std::map< joint, Mat4f > & joint_matrix,
int & maxJointId,
tinygltf::Model & model,
std::map< joint, Quat< float > > & joint_rotation,
std::map< joint, Vec3f > & joint_translation,
std::map< joint, Vec3f > & joint_scale,
std::map< joint, Mat4f > & joint_inverseBindMatrix,
std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > jointId_joint_Dir )

◆ calculateContactPoints()

void dyno::calculateContactPoints ( DArray< TContactPair< float > > contacts,
DArray< int > contactCnt )

◆ calculateDiagnals()

void dyno::calculateDiagnals ( DArray< float > d,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B )

◆ calculateDistance2TriangleSet()

template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::calculateDistance2TriangleSet ( ProjectedPoint3D< Real > & p3d,
Coord point,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & vertices,
Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > & indices,
List< IndexType > & list,
Real dHat = 0 )

Calculate the distance from a point to a triangular mesh.

p3dreturn the cloest point on the triangular mesh
pointinput point
verticesvertices of the triangular mesh
indicesindices of the triangular mesh
listtiangule ids to be checked
dHatthe thickness of the triangular mesh
return false when the input list is empty, in this case do not use p3d in the following code

Definition at line 83 of file Distance3D.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calculateEtaVectorForNJS()

void dyno::calculateEtaVectorForNJS ( DArray< float > eta,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
float slop,
float beta )

◆ calculateEtaVectorForPJS()

void dyno::calculateEtaVectorForPJS ( DArray< float > eta,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints )

◆ calculateEtaVectorForPJSBaumgarte()

void dyno::calculateEtaVectorForPJSBaumgarte ( DArray< float > eta,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< float > errors,
float slop,
float beta,
uint substepping,
float dt )

◆ calculateEtaVectorForPJSoft()

void dyno::calculateEtaVectorForPJSoft ( DArray< float > eta,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
float slop,
float zeta,
float hertz,
float substepping,
float dt )

◆ calculateEtaVectorForRelaxation()

void dyno::calculateEtaVectorForRelaxation ( DArray< float > eta,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints )

◆ calculateEtaVectorWithERP()

void dyno::calculateEtaVectorWithERP ( DArray< float > eta,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< float > ERP,
float slop,
float dt )

◆ calculateImpulseByLambda()

void dyno::calculateImpulseByLambda ( DArray< float > lambda,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
DArray< Vec3f > B )

◆ calculateIntersectionArea()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Real dyno::calculateIntersectionArea ( const TPoint3D< Real > & pt,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triangle,
const Real & R )

Calculate the intersection area between a sphere and a triangle by using the domain decompsotion algorithm. For more details, please refer to Section 4.1 of [Chang et al. 2020]: "Semi-analytical Solid Boundary Conditions for Free Surface Flows".

ptcenter of the sphere
rradius of the sphere
the intersection area

Definition at line 31 of file IntersectionArea.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calculateJacobianMatrix()

void dyno::calculateJacobianMatrix ( DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints )

◆ calculateJacobianMatrixForNJS()

void dyno::calculateJacobianMatrixForNJS ( DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints )

◆ calculateK()

void dyno::calculateK ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< float > K_1,
DArray< Mat2f > K_2,
DArray< Mat3f > K_3 )

◆ calculateKWithCFM()

void dyno::calculateKWithCFM ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< float > K_1,
DArray< Mat2f > K_2,
DArray< Mat3f > K_3,
DArray< float > CFM )

◆ calculateLinearSystemLHS()

void dyno::calculateLinearSystemLHS ( DArray< Vec3f > & J,
DArray< Vec3f > & B,
DArray< Vec3f > & impulse,
DArray< float > & lambda,
DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< float > & CFM,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints )

◆ calculateMatrixA()

void dyno::calculateMatrixA ( DArray< Vec3f > & J,
DArray< Vec3f > & B,
DArray< float > & A,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints,
float k )

◆ CalculateMortonCode() [1/2]

DYN_FUNC OcKey dyno::CalculateMortonCode ( Level l,
OcIndex x,
OcIndex y,
OcIndex z )

◆ CalculateMortonCode() [2/2]

static DYN_FUNC OcKey dyno::CalculateMortonCode ( OcIndex x,
OcIndex y,
OcIndex z )

Definition at line 32 of file VoxelOctree.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSet()

template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSet ( ProjectedPoint3D< Real > & p3d,
Coord point,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & vertices,
Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > & indices,
List< IndexType > & list,
Real dHat = 0 )

Calculate the signed distance from a point to a triangular mesh.

p3dreturn the cloest point on the triangular mesh
pointinput point
verticesvertices of the triangular mesh
indicesindices of the triangular mesh
listtiangule ids to be checked
dHatthe thickness of the triangular mesh
return false when the input list is empty, in this case do not use p3d in the following code

Definition at line 4 of file Distance3D.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSetFromNormal()

template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSetFromNormal ( ProjectedPoint3D< Real > & p3d,
Coord point,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & vertices,
Array< TopologyModule::Edge, deviceType > & edges,
Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > & triangles,
Array< TopologyModule::Tri2Edg, deviceType > & t2e,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & edgeNormal,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & vertexNormal,
List< IndexType > & list,
Real dHat = 0 )

Definition at line 389 of file Distance3D.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CalculteInterval()

int dyno::CalculteInterval ( int val)

Definition at line 49 of file PAnimationQSlider.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ castMaximum()

template<typename T>
T dyno::castMaximum ( float v)

Definition at line 52 of file QFieldWidget.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ castMinimum()

template<typename T>
T dyno::castMinimum ( float v)

Definition at line 59 of file QFieldWidget.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ change_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::change_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance heapSize,
Distance position,
Compare compare )

change_heap Given a value in the heap that has changed in priority, this function adjusts the heap appropriately. The heap size remains unchanged after this operation.

Definition at line 221 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkAxisEdge()

template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::checkAxisEdge ( TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
ShapeA & shapeA,
ShapeB & shapeB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB,
Segment3D edgeA,
Segment3D edgeB )

Definition at line 553 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkAxisPoint()

template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::checkAxisPoint ( TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
ShapeA & shapeA,
ShapeB & shapeB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB,
Vec3f pA,
Vec3f pB,
const Real rA = 0.f,
const Real rB = 0.f )

Definition at line 529 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkAxisRect()

template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::checkAxisRect ( TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
ShapeA & shapeA,
ShapeB & shapeB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB,
Rectangle3D rect,
SeparationType type )

Definition at line 600 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkAxisTri()

template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::checkAxisTri ( TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
ShapeA & shapeA,
ShapeB & shapeB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB,
Triangle3D tri,
SeparationType type )

Definition at line 577 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkbit()

DYN_FUNC int dyno::checkbit ( unsigned int const & x,
unsigned int const & y )

Definition at line 263 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ checkOutError()

Real dyno::checkOutError ( DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > mImpulse,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< float > eta )

◆ checkOutErrors()

double dyno::checkOutErrors ( DArray< float > errors)

◆ checkOverlap()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlap ( Real lowerBoundary1,
Real upperBoundary1,
Real lowerBoundary2,
Real upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2 )

Definition at line 4388 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkOverlapAxis() [1/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlapAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary1,
Real & upperBoundary1,
Real & lowerBoundary2,
Real & upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
OrientedBox3D box,
Capsule3D cap )

Definition at line 3242 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkOverlapAxis() [2/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlapAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary1,
Real & upperBoundary1,
Real & lowerBoundary2,
Real & upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
Capsule3D cap )

Definition at line 3374 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkOverlapAxis() [3/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlapAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary1,
Real & upperBoundary1,
Real & lowerBoundary2,
Real & upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
OrientedBox3D box )

Definition at line 4558 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkOverlapAxis() [4/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlapAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary1,
Real & upperBoundary1,
Real & lowerBoundary2,
Real & upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
Triangle3D tri )

Definition at line 4515 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

◆ checkOverlapAxis() [5/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlapAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary1,
Real & upperBoundary1,
Real & lowerBoundary2,
Real & upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet1,
Tet3D tet2 )

Definition at line 4475 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkOverlapTetTri()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkOverlapTetTri ( Real lowerBoundary1,
Real upperBoundary1,
Real lowerBoundary2,
Real upperBoundary2,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundary1,
Real & boundary2 )

Definition at line 3306 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkPointInBoundary()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::checkPointInBoundary ( const Vec3f & p,
const Vec3f & N,
const Real & b,
const Real & r )

Definition at line 483 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkSignedDistance()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::checkSignedDistance ( Real lowerBoundaryA,
Real upperBoundaryA,
Real lowerBoundaryB,
Real upperBoundaryB,
Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & boundaryA,
Real & boundaryB )

Definition at line 381 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkSignedDistanceAxis()

template<typename Real, typename ShapeA, typename ShapeB>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::checkSignedDistanceAxis ( Real & intersectionDistance,
Real & BoundaryA,
Real & BoundaryB,
const Vec3f axisNormal,
ShapeA & shapeA,
ShapeB & shapeB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB )

Definition at line 515 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clamp() [1/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::clamp ( const T & v,
const T & lo,
const T & hi )

Definition at line 42 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clamp() [2/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > dyno::clamp ( const Vector< T, 2 > & v,
const Vector< T, 2 > & lo,
const Vector< T, 2 > & hi )

Definition at line 48 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ clamp() [3/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > dyno::clamp ( const Vector< T, 3 > & v,
const Vector< T, 3 > & lo,
const Vector< T, 3 > & hi )

Definition at line 58 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ clamp() [4/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > dyno::clamp ( const Vector< T, 4 > & v,
const Vector< T, 4 > & lo,
const Vector< T, 4 > & hi )

Definition at line 69 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ clip()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::clip ( ClipVertex * outVerts,
float * outDepths,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & rPos,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & e,
unsigned char * clipEdges,
const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & basis,
ClipVertex * incident )

Definition at line 312 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithRect() [1/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithRect ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TRectangle3D< Real > & rectA,
const TOrientedBox3D< Real > & boxB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 1143 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithRect() [2/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithRect ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TRectangle3D< Real > & rectA,
const TSegment3D< Real > & segB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 715 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithRect() [3/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithRect ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TRectangle3D< Real > & rectA,
const TSphere3D< Real > & sphereB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 663 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithRect() [4/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithRect ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TRectangle3D< Real > & rectA,
const TTet3D< Real > & tetB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 1012 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithRect() [5/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithRect ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TRectangle3D< Real > & rectA,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 907 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithTri() [1/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithTri ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triA,
const TOrientedBox3D< Real > & boxB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 1120 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithTri() [2/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithTri ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triA,
const TSegment3D< Real > & segB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 692 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithTri() [3/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithTri ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triA,
const TSphere3D< Real > & sphereB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 651 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithTri() [4/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithTri ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triA,
const TTet3D< Real > & tetB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 989 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ClippingWithTri() [5/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::ClippingWithTri ( Vector< Real, 3 > * q,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triA,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & transB )

Definition at line 884 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cmp()

bool dyno::cmp ( OriginalFaceId a,
OriginalFaceId b )

Definition at line 29 of file TetraMeshWriterFracture.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CollisionTest()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::CollisionTest ( const Vector< T, 3 > & x0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & x1,
const Vector< T, 3 > & x2,
const Vector< T, 3 > & x3,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v1,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v2,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v3,
T & time,
const int isVF )

Definition at line 169 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ComputeAddZeroSize()

int dyno::ComputeAddZeroSize ( int OriginalSize)

Definition at line 6 of file VkSort.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeIncidentFace()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::computeIncidentFace ( ClipVertex * out,
const Transform< Real, 3 > & itx,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & e,
Vector< Real, 3 > n )

Definition at line 199 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeReferenceEdgesAndBasis()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::computeReferenceEdgesAndBasis ( unsigned char * out,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > * basis,
Vector< Real, 3 > * e,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & eR,
const Transform< Real, 3 > & rtx,
Vector< Real, 3 > n,
int axis )

Ordering of the edges —2 — / / 3 1 / / — 0 — | | 10 9
| | -— 4 — ----->x | / | / 11 5 8 7 | / | / / — 6 — z

Definition at line 94 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ computeSupportEdge()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::computeSupportEdge ( Vector< Real, 3 > & aOut,
Vector< Real, 3 > & bOut,
const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & rot,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & trans,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & e,
Vector< Real, 3 > n )

Definition at line 2835 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ constantPtr()

template<typename T>
VkConstant< T > * dyno::constantPtr ( )

Definition at line 90 of file VkProgram.h.

◆ constructRestShape()

template<typename Coord, typename Bond>
void dyno::constructRestShape ( DArrayList< Bond > & shape,
DArrayList< int > & nbr,
DArray< Coord > & pos )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ constructRestShapeWithSelf()

template<typename Coord, typename Bond>
void dyno::constructRestShapeWithSelf ( DArrayList< Bond > & shape,
DArrayList< int > & nbr,
DArray< Coord > & pos )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cos()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::cos ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 573 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cosh()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::cosh ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 410 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ countbit()

DYN_FUNC unsigned int dyno::countbit ( unsigned int x)

Definition at line 243 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cross()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > dyno::cross ( Vector< T, 3 > const & U,
Vector< T, 3 > const & V )

Definition at line 211 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ crossProduct()

Vec3f dyno::crossProduct ( const Vec3f & a,
const Vec3f & b )

Definition at line 41 of file EarClipper.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ debugUtilsMessengerCallback()

VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL dyno::debugUtilsMessengerCallback ( VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity,
VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageType,
const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT * pCallbackData,
void * pUserData )

Definition at line 143 of file VkSystem.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:


dyno::DECLARE_ENUM ( BoolType ,
Intersect = 0,
Union = 1,
Minus = 2 )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [1/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( AdaptiveVolumeToTriangleSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [2/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( AnimationCurve )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [3/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( AnimationDriver )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [4/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( BasicShape )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [5/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CalculateMaximum )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [6/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CalculateMinimum )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [7/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CapsuleModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [8/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CarDriver )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [9/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CircularEmitter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [10/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Cloth )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [11/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CollisionDetector )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [12/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ConeModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [13/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ConfigurableBody )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [14/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ContactsUnion )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [15/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CubeModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [16/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( CylinderModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [17/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( EarClipper )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [18/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( EdgePickerNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [19/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( EigenValueWriter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [20/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ElasticBody )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [21/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ElastoplasticBody )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [22/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ExtractEdgeSetFromPolygonSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [23/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ExtractQaudSetFromPolygonSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [24/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ExtractTriangleSetFromPolygonSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [25/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( FastSweepingMethod )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [26/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Frame )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [27/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Gear )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [28/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GeometryLoader )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [29/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GhostParticles )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [30/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GLCommonPointVisualNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [31/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GLInstanceVisualNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [32/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GLPointVisualNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [33/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GLSurfaceVisualNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [34/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GLWireframeVisualNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [35/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( GridSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [36/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( InstanceTransform )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [37/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Jeep )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [38/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( MakeParticleSystem )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [39/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( MarchingCubes )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [40/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( MergeSimplexSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [41/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( MergeTriangleSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [42/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( MultibodySystem )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [43/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( OceanBase )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [44/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ParametricModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [45/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ParticleApproximation )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [46/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ParticleEmitter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [47/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ParticleFluid )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [48/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ParticleSystem )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [49/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ParticleWriter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [50/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Peridynamics )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [51/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PlaneModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [52/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PointFromCurve )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [53/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PointPickerNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [54/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PointSetToTriangleSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [55/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PointsLoader )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [56/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PoissonEmitter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [57/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PoissonPlane )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [58/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( PositionBasedFluidModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [59/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ProjectionBasedFluidModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [60/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ProjectivePeridynamics )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [61/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( QuadPickerNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [62/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( RigidBody )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [63/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Sampler )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [64/106]

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [65/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SemiAnalyticalPositionBasedFluidModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [66/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SemiAnalyticalSFINode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [67/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SemiAnalyticalSurfaceTensionModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [68/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ShapeSampler )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [69/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SparseMarchingCubes )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [70/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SparseVolumeClipper )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [71/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SphereModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [72/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SplitSimplexSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [73/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SquareEmitter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [74/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( StaticMeshLoader )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [75/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Steer )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [76/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( StructuredPointSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [77/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Subdivide )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [78/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( SweepModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [79/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Tank )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [80/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TetrahedralSystem )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [81/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TetraMeshWriter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [82/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TetraMeshWriterFracture )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [83/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( ThreadSystem )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [84/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TrackedTank )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [85/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TriangleMeshWriter )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [86/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TrianglePickerNode )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [87/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TriangularMeshBoundary )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [88/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TriangularSystem )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [89/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( TurningModel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [90/106]


◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [91/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( UniformGrid3D )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [92/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( UnstructuredPointSet )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [93/106]


◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [94/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Vessel )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [95/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VirtualParticleGenerator )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [96/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( Volume )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [97/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeBoolean )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [98/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeBoundary )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [99/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeClipper )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [100/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeGenerator )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [101/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeLoader )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [102/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeOctree )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [103/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeOctreeBoolean )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [104/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeOctreeGenerator )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [105/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeToGridCell )

◆ DEFINE_CLASS() [106/106]

dyno::DEFINE_CLASS ( VolumeToTriangleSet )

◆ disconnect()

void dyno::disconnect ( Node * node,
NodePort * port )

Definition at line 44 of file NodePort.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dot() [1/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::dot ( Vector< T, 2 > const & U,
Vector< T, 2 > const & V )

Definition at line 199 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dot() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::dot ( Vector< T, 3 > const & U,
Vector< T, 3 > const & V )

Definition at line 205 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ dotcross()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::dotcross ( Vector< T, 3 > const & U,
Vector< T, 3 > const & V,
Vector< T, 3 > const & W )

Definition at line 221 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dotperp()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::dotperp ( Vector< T, 2 > const & v0,
Vector< T, 2 > const & v1 )

Definition at line 234 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ earClipping()

std::vector< TopologyModule::Triangle > dyno::earClipping ( const std::vector< Vec3f > & vertices)

Definition at line 105 of file EarClipper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ earse_spacing()

std::string dyno::earse_spacing ( const std::string & str)

Definition at line 7 of file DeclareEnum.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ edgesContact()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::edgesContact ( Vector< Real, 3 > & CA,
Vector< Real, 3 > & CB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & PA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & QA,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & PB,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & QB )

Definition at line 359 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ EigenDecomposition()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::EigenDecomposition ( const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & A,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & eigenVecs,
Vector< Real, 3 > & eigenVals )

Definition at line 46 of file MatrixFunc.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ exp()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::exp ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 338 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findByName() [1/2]

static PDockWidget * dyno::findByName ( const QMainWindow * mainWindow,
const QString & name )

Definition at line 279 of file PDockWidget.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findByName() [2/2]

static PIODockWidget * dyno::findByName ( const QMainWindow * mainWindow,
const QString & name )

Definition at line 92 of file PIODockWidget.cpp.

◆ ForEach()

void dyno::ForEach ( size_t size,
... )

◆ FormatBlockCaptionName()

QString dyno::FormatBlockCaptionName ( std::string name)

Definition at line 64 of file Format.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FormatBlockPortName()

QString dyno::FormatBlockPortName ( std::string name)

Definition at line 35 of file Format.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FormatConnectionInfo() [1/2]

std::string dyno::FormatConnectionInfo ( FBase * fin,
FBase * fout,
bool connecting,
bool succeeded )

Definition at line 11 of file FBase.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FormatConnectionInfo() [2/2]

std::string dyno::FormatConnectionInfo ( Node * node,
NodePort * port,
bool connecting,
bool succeeded )

Definition at line 411 of file Node.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ FormatDescription()

QString dyno::FormatDescription ( std::string name)

Definition at line 93 of file Format.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FormatFieldWidgetName()

QString dyno::FormatFieldWidgetName ( std::string name)

Definition at line 9 of file Format.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ forward() [1/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC constexpr T && dyno::forward ( typename dyno::remove_reference< T >::type && x)

Definition at line 24 of file type_traits.h.

◆ forward() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC constexpr T && dyno::forward ( typename dyno::remove_reference< T >::type & x)

Definition at line 17 of file type_traits.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fsign()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC float dyno::fsign ( Real v)

Definition at line 20 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FSM_CheckNeighbour()

static void dyno::FSM_CheckNeighbour ( const CArray< Vec3ui > & tri,
const CArray< Vec3f > & vert,
CArray3f & phi,
CArray3i & closest_tri,
const Vec3f & gx,
int i0,
int j0,
int k0,
int i1,
int j1,
int k1 )

Definition at line 131 of file FastSweepingMethod.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fswap()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::fswap ( T & a,
T & b )

Definition at line 17 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_v()

static std::vector< Vec3f > dyno::get_v ( const TetInfo & obj)

Definition at line 29 of file RigidBodyShared.h.

◆ getBoundingBoxByName()

void dyno::getBoundingBoxByName ( tinygltf::Model & model,
const tinygltf::Primitive & primitive,
const std::string & attributeName,
TAlignedBox3D< Real > & bound,
Transform3f & transform )

◆ getFrustumCorners()

std::array< glm::vec4, 8 > dyno::getFrustumCorners ( const glm::mat4 & proj)

Definition at line 100 of file ShadowMap.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getJointDirByJointIndex()

std::vector< int > dyno::getJointDirByJointIndex ( int Index,
std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > jointId_joint_Dir )

◆ getJointsTransformData()

void dyno::getJointsTransformData ( const std::vector< int > & all_Joints,
std::vector< std::vector< int > > & joint_child,
std::map< int, Quat< float > > & joint_rotation,
std::map< int, Vec3f > & joint_scale,
std::map< int, Vec3f > & joint_translation,
std::map< int, Mat4f > & joint_matrix,
tinygltf::Model model )

◆ getLightProjMatrix()

glm::mat4 dyno::getLightProjMatrix ( glm::mat4 lightView,
Vec3f lowerBound,
Vec3f upperBound,
glm::mat4 cameraView,
glm::mat4 cameraProj )

Definition at line 140 of file ShadowMap.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLightViewMatrix()

glm::mat4 dyno::getLightViewMatrix ( glm::vec3 lightDir)

Definition at line 129 of file ShadowMap.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMeshMatrix()

void dyno::getMeshMatrix ( tinygltf::Model & model,
const std::vector< int > & all_MeshNodeIDs,
int & maxMeshId,
CArray< Mat4f > & mesh_Matrix )

◆ getNodesAndHierarchy()

void dyno::getNodesAndHierarchy ( tinygltf::Model & model,
std::map< scene, std::vector< int > > Scene_JointsNodesId,
std::vector< joint > & all_Nodes,
std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > & id_Dir )

◆ getPoint2SegmentDistance()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::getPoint2SegmentDistance ( const Vector< T, 3 > & p,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v1 )

Definition at line 14 of file AdditiveCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQuatByIndex()

void dyno::getQuatByIndex ( tinygltf::Model & model,
int index,
std::vector< Quat< float > > & result )

◆ getRealByIndex()

void dyno::getRealByIndex ( tinygltf::Model & model,
int index,
std::vector< Real > & result )

◆ getTexUri()

std::string dyno::getTexUri ( const std::vector< tinygltf::Texture > & textures,
const std::vector< tinygltf::Image > & images,
int index )

◆ getTriangles()

void dyno::getTriangles ( tinygltf::Model & model,
const tinygltf::Primitive & primitive,
std::vector< TopologyModule::Triangle > & triangles,
int pointOffest )

◆ getVec3fByAttributeName()

void dyno::getVec3fByAttributeName ( tinygltf::Model & model,
const tinygltf::Primitive & primitive,
const std::string & attributeName,
std::vector< Vec3f > & vertices )

◆ getVec3fByIndex()

void dyno::getVec3fByIndex ( tinygltf::Model & model,
int index,
std::vector< Vec3f > & result )

◆ getVec4ByAttributeName()

void dyno::getVec4ByAttributeName ( tinygltf::Model & model,
const tinygltf::Primitive & primitive,
const std::string & attributeName,
std::vector< Vec4f > & vec4Data )

◆ getVertexBindJoint()

void dyno::getVertexBindJoint ( tinygltf::Model & model,
const tinygltf::Primitive & primitive,
const std::string & attributeName,
std::vector< Vec4f > & vec4Data,
const std::vector< int > & skinJoints )

◆ glCheckError_()

unsigned int dyno::glCheckError_ ( const char * file,
int line )

Definition at line 16 of file GraphicsObject.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ glfw_error_callback()

static void dyno::glfw_error_callback ( int error,
const char * description )

Definition at line 52 of file GlfwRenderWindow.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iDivUp()

static uint dyno::iDivUp ( uint a,
uint b )

Definition at line 28 of file VkProgram.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:


dyno::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( DiscreteElementsToTriangleSet )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( PrintFloat )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( PrintInt )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( PrintUnsigned )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( PrintVector )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_CLASS ( States )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( AddRealAndReal ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( AnimationDriver ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( CapsuleModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( CarDriver ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( ConeModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( ConvertToTextureMesh ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( CopyModel ,
TDataType  )
Here is the call graph for this function:


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( CopyToPoint ,
TDataType  )
Here is the call graph for this function:


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( CubeModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( CylinderModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( DiscreteElementsToTriangleSet ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( DivideRealAndReal ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( EarClipper ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( EditableMesh ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( ExtractShape ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( ExtrudeModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( FloatingNumber ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( GltfLoader ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( Group ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( InstanceTransform ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( JointDeform ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( Merge ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( MultiplyRealAndReal ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( NormalVisualization ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PlaneModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PointClip ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PointFromCurve ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PointsBehindMesh ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PoissonDiskSampling ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PoissonPlane ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PolyExtrude ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( PolygonSetToTriangleSetNode ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( ShapeSampler ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( SphereModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( Steer ,
TDataType  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( Subdivide ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( SubtractRealAndReal ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( SurfaceEnergyForce ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( SweepModel ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( TextureMeshMerge ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( TransformModel ,
TDataType  )
Here is the call graph for this function:


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( TurningModel ,
TDataType  )
Here is the call graph for this function:


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( Vector3Source ,
TDataType  )


dyno::IMPLEMENT_TCLASS ( VectorVisualNode ,
TDataType  )

◆ importAnimation()

void dyno::importAnimation ( tinygltf::Model model,
std::map< joint, Vec3i > & joint_output,
std::map< joint, Vec3f > & joint_input,
std::map< joint, std::vector< Vec3f > > & joint_T_f_anim,
std::map< joint, std::vector< Real > > & joint_T_Time,
std::map< joint, std::vector< Vec3f > > & joint_S_f_anim,
std::map< joint, std::vector< Real > > & joint_S_Time,
std::map< joint, std::vector< Quat< float > > > & joint_R_f_anim,
std::map< joint, std::vector< Real > > & joint_R_Time )

◆ inTri()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::inTri ( const Vector< T, 3 > & p,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v1,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v2 )

Definition at line 32 of file AdditiveCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::is_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last )

is_heap This is a useful algorithm for verifying that a random access container is in heap format.

Definition at line 255 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_heap_until()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC RandomAccessIterator dyno::is_heap_until ( RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
Compare compare )


Definition at line 237 of file Heap.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isEar()

bool dyno::isEar ( const std::vector< Vec3f > & vertices,
const TopologyModule::Triangle & triangle,
Vec3f n )

Definition at line 81 of file EarClipper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ iseq() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::iseq ( T const & a,
D const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 35 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ iseq() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::iseq ( T const & a,
T const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 33 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isgeq() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isgeq ( T const & a,
D const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 30 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isgeq() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isgeq ( T const & a,
T const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 28 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isgreat() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isgreat ( T const & a,
D const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 25 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isgreat() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isgreat ( T const & a,
T const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 23 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isleq() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isleq ( T const & a,
D const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 20 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isleq() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isleq ( T const & a,
T const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 18 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isless() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename D, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, D >::value, int >::type = 0>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isless ( T const & a,
D const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 15 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isless() [2/2]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::isless ( T const & a,
T const & b,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 13 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isPointInTriangle()

bool dyno::isPointInTriangle ( const Vec3f & pt,
const Vec3f & a,
const Vec3f & b,
const Vec3f & c )

Definition at line 67 of file EarClipper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ JacobiIteration()

void dyno::JacobiIteration ( DArray< float > lambda,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< float > eta,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< int > nbq,
DArray< float > K_1,
DArray< Mat2f > K_2,
DArray< Mat3f > K_3,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< float > fricCoeffs,
float mu,
float g,
float dt )

◆ JacobiIterationForCFM()

void dyno::JacobiIterationForCFM ( DArray< float > lambda,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< float > eta,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< int > nbq,
DArray< float > K_1,
DArray< Mat2f > K_2,
DArray< Mat3f > K_3,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< float > CFM,
float mu,
float g,
float dt )

◆ JacobiIterationForNJS()

void dyno::JacobiIterationForNJS ( DArray< float > lambda,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< float > eta,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< int > nbq,
DArray< float > K_1,
DArray< Mat2f > K_2,
DArray< Mat3f > K_3 )

◆ JacobiIterationForSoft()

void dyno::JacobiIterationForSoft ( DArray< float > lambda,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< float > eta,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< int > nbq,
DArray< float > K_1,
DArray< Mat2f > K_2,
DArray< Mat3f > K_3,
DArray< float > mass,
DArray< float > mu,
float g,
float dt,
float zeta,
float hertz )

◆ JacobiIterationStrict()

void dyno::JacobiIterationStrict ( DArray< float > lambda,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< Vec3f > B,
DArray< float > eta,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< int > nbq,
DArray< float > d,
DArray< float > mass,
float mu,
float g,
float dt )

◆ jacobiRotate()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::jacobiRotate ( SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & A,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & R,
int p,
int q )

Definition at line 11 of file MatrixFunc.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ leftBound()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::leftBound ( T target,
T * startLoc,
uint maxSize )

Find the left bound of a target with a binary search algorithm.

Template Parameters
dataStart address
maxSizesize of array buffer
case 1: return INVALID if data is empty; case 2: return the index of the first element that is equal to or greater than target case 3: return maxSize if target is not in the array

Definition at line 22 of file STLMacro.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lerp()

template<typename T, DeviceType deviceType>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::lerp ( Array< T, deviceType > & array1d,
float x,
LerpMode mode = LerpMode::REPEAT )

Definition at line 36 of file Lerp.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lexicographical_compare()

template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::lexicographical_compare ( InputIterator1 first1,
InputIterator1 last1,
InputIterator2 first2,
InputIterator2 last2 )

Definition at line 358 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadGLTFMaterial()

void dyno::loadGLTFMaterial ( tinygltf::Model & model,
std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh,
FilePath filename )

◆ loadGLTFShape()

void dyno::loadGLTFShape ( tinygltf::Model & model,
std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh,
const std::string & filepath,
DArray< Vec3f > * initialPosition = nullptr,
DArray< Vec3f > * initialNormal = nullptr,
DArray< Mat4f > * d_mesh_Matrix = nullptr,
DArray< int > * d_shape_meshId = nullptr,
std::shared_ptr< SkinInfo > skinData = nullptr )

◆ loadGLTFTextureMesh()

void dyno::loadGLTFTextureMesh ( std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh,
const std::string & filepath )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadTexture()

bool dyno::loadTexture ( const char * path,
dyno::CArray2D< dyno::Vec4f > & img )

Definition at line 9 of file MaterialFunc.h.

◆ loadTextureMeshFromObj()

bool dyno::loadTextureMeshFromObj ( std::shared_ptr< TextureMesh > texMesh,
const FilePath & fullname )

Definition at line 10 of file tinyobj_helper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ log()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::log ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 305 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ log10()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::log10 ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 313 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ loopSubdivide()

void dyno::loopSubdivide ( std::vector< Vec3f > & vertices,
std::vector< TopologyModule::Triangle > & triangles )

Definition at line 11 of file Subdivide.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lowbit()

DYN_FUNC unsigned int dyno::lowbit ( unsigned int x)

Definition at line 240 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lownum()

DYN_FUNC unsigned int dyno::lownum ( unsigned int x)

Definition at line 260 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::make_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
Compare compare )


Given an array, this function converts it into heap format. The complexity is O(n), where n is count of the range. The input range is not required to be in any order.

Definition at line 160 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ makeFixedVector() [1/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 2 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1 )

Definition at line 279 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [2/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 3 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2 )

Definition at line 288 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [3/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 4 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3 )

Definition at line 298 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [4/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 5 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3,
const T & v4 )

Definition at line 309 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [5/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 6 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3,
const T & v4,
const T & v5 )

Definition at line 321 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [6/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 7 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3,
const T & v4,
const T & v5,
const T & v6 )

Definition at line 334 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [7/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 8 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3,
const T & v4,
const T & v5,
const T & v6,
const T & v7 )

Definition at line 348 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [8/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 9 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3,
const T & v4,
const T & v5,
const T & v6,
const T & v7,
const T & v8 )

Definition at line 363 of file VectorND.h.

◆ makeFixedVector() [9/9]

template<class T>
DYN_FUNC VectorND< T, 10 > dyno::makeFixedVector ( const T & v0,
const T & v1,
const T & v2,
const T & v3,
const T & v4,
const T & v5,
const T & v6,
const T & v7,
const T & v8,
const T & v9 )

Definition at line 379 of file VectorND.h.

◆ mappingModifierBits()

PModifierBits dyno::mappingModifierBits ( Qt::KeyboardModifiers mods)

Definition at line 241 of file POpenGLWidget.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mappingMouseButton()

PButtonType dyno::mappingMouseButton ( QMouseEvent * event)

Definition at line 225 of file POpenGLWidget.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ matrixMultiplyVec()

void dyno::matrixMultiplyVec ( DArray< Vec3f > & J,
DArray< Vec3f > & B,
DArray< float > & lambda,
DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints,
int bodyNum )

◆ maximum() [1/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::maximum ( const T & v0,
const T & v1 )

Definition at line 160 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ maximum() [2/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > dyno::maximum ( const Vector< T, 2 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 2 > & v1 )

Definition at line 166 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ maximum() [3/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > dyno::maximum ( const Vector< T, 3 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v1 )

Definition at line 176 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ maximum() [4/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > dyno::maximum ( const Vector< T, 4 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 4 > & v1 )

Definition at line 187 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ minimum() [1/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::minimum ( const T & v0,
const T & v1 )

Definition at line 120 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ minimum() [2/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > dyno::minimum ( const Vector< T, 2 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 2 > & v1 )

Definition at line 126 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ minimum() [3/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > dyno::minimum ( const Vector< T, 3 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v1 )

Definition at line 136 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ minimum() [4/4]

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 4 > dyno::minimum ( const Vector< T, 4 > & v0,
const Vector< T, 4 > & v1 )

Definition at line 147 of file SimpleMath.h.

◆ move_or_copy()

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator>
static DYN_FUNC OutputIterator dyno::move_or_copy ( InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
OutputIterator result )

Definition at line 175 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_or_copy_backward()

template<typename Iterator>
static DYN_FUNC Iterator dyno::move_or_copy_backward ( Iterator first,
Iterator last,
Iterator resultEnd )

Definition at line 184 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ MSB()

DYN_FUNC unsigned int dyno::MSB ( unsigned int x)

Definition at line 257 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ multiply_SM_by_vector()

template<typename VarType>
void dyno::multiply_SM_by_vector ( DArrayMap< VarType > & matrix_a,
DArray< VarType > & a,
DArray< VarType > & Aa )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ multiply_transposedSM_by_vector()

template<typename VarType>
void dyno::multiply_transposedSM_by_vector ( DArrayMap< VarType > & matrix_a,
DArray< VarType > & a,
DArray< VarType > & Aa )

◆ NewtonsMethod()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::NewtonsMethod ( T a,
T b,
T c,
T d,
T x0,
int init_dir )

Definition at line 118 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::operator!= ( const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & a,
const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & b )

Definition at line 118 of file PriorityQueue.inl.

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::operator!= ( const RandomAccessContainer< T > & a,
const RandomAccessContainer< T > & b )

Definition at line 378 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*() [1/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< T > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const Complex< T > & complex )

Definition at line 247 of file Complex.inl.

◆ operator*() [2/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC Quat< T > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const Quat< T > & quad )

Definition at line 128 of file Quat.h.

◆ operator*() [3/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const SquareMatrix< T, 2 > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const SquareMatrix< T, 2 > & mat )

Definition at line 78 of file Matrix2x2.h.

◆ operator*() [4/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const SquareMatrix< T, 3 > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const SquareMatrix< T, 3 > & mat )

Definition at line 84 of file Matrix3x3.h.

◆ operator*() [5/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const SquareMatrix< T, 4 > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const SquareMatrix< T, 4 > & mat )

Definition at line 312 of file Matrix4x4.inl.

◆ operator*() [6/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Vector< T, 2 > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const Vector< T, 2 > & vec )

Definition at line 233 of file Vector2D.inl.

◆ operator*() [7/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Vector< T, 3 > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const Vector< T, 3 > & vec )

Definition at line 235 of file Vector3D.inl.

◆ operator*() [8/8]

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Vector< T, 4 > dyno::operator* ( S scale,
const Vector< T, 4 > & vec )

Definition at line 232 of file Vector4D.inl.

◆ operator+()

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< T > dyno::operator+ ( S scale,
const Complex< T > & complex )

Definition at line 235 of file Complex.inl.

◆ operator-()

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< T > dyno::operator- ( S scale,
const Complex< T > & complex )

Definition at line 241 of file Complex.inl.

◆ operator/()

template<typename S, typename T>
DYN_FUNC const Complex< T > dyno::operator/ ( S scale,
const Complex< T > & complex )

Definition at line 253 of file Complex.inl.

◆ operator<() [1/4]

bool dyno::operator< ( const Index2D & lhs,
const Index2D & rhs )

Definition at line 61 of file CubeModel.cpp.

◆ operator<() [2/4]

bool dyno::operator< ( const Index2DPlane & lhs,
const Index2DPlane & rhs )

Definition at line 72 of file PlaneModel.cpp.

◆ operator<() [3/4]

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::operator< ( const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & a,
const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & b )

Definition at line 112 of file PriorityQueue.inl.

◆ operator<() [4/4]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::operator< ( const RandomAccessContainer< T > & a,
const RandomAccessContainer< T > & b )

Definition at line 385 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator<=() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::operator<= ( const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & a,
const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & b )

Definition at line 130 of file PriorityQueue.inl.

◆ operator<=() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::operator<= ( const RandomAccessContainer< T > & a,
const RandomAccessContainer< T > & b )

Definition at line 399 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::operator== ( const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & a,
const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & b )

Definition at line 106 of file PriorityQueue.inl.

◆ operator==() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::operator== ( const RandomAccessContainer< T > & a,
const RandomAccessContainer< T > & b )

Definition at line 371 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator>() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::operator> ( const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & a,
const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & b )

Definition at line 124 of file PriorityQueue.inl.

◆ operator>() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::operator> ( const RandomAccessContainer< T > & a,
const RandomAccessContainer< T > & b )

Definition at line 392 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

◆ operator>=() [1/2]

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::operator>= ( const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & a,
const priority_queue< T, Container, Compare > & b )

Definition at line 136 of file PriorityQueue.inl.

◆ operator>=() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::operator>= ( const RandomAccessContainer< T > & a,
const RandomAccessContainer< T > & b )

Definition at line 406 of file RandomAccessContainer.inl.

◆ orientation()

static int dyno::orientation ( double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double & twice_signed_area )

Definition at line 188 of file FastSweepingMethod.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ orthographic()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::orthographic ( ClipVertex * out,
Real sign,
Real e,
int axis,
int clipEdge,
ClipVertex * in,
int inCount )

Definition at line 271 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parallel_allocate_for_list()

template<uint N>
void dyno::parallel_allocate_for_list ( void * lists,
void * elements,
size_t ele_size,
DArray< uint > & index )

◆ parallel_allocate_for_map()

template<uint N>
void dyno::parallel_allocate_for_map ( void * maps,
void * elements,
size_t ele_size,
DArray< uint > & index )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parallel_init_for_list()

template<uint N>
void dyno::parallel_init_for_list ( void * lists,
void * elements,
size_t ele_size,
DArray< uint > & index )

◆ parallel_init_for_map()

template<uint N>
void dyno::parallel_init_for_map ( void * maps,
void * elements,
size_t ele_size,
DArray< uint > & index )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_enum_string()

bool dyno::parse_enum_string ( const std::string & enum_str,
EnumMap & enumKeyValueList )

Definition at line 20 of file DeclareEnum.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ perp()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 2 > dyno::perp ( Vector< T, 2 > const & v)

Definition at line 228 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ point_in_triangle_2d()

static bool dyno::point_in_triangle_2d ( double x0,
double y0,
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double x3,
double y3,
double & a,
double & b,
double & c )

Definition at line 202 of file FastSweepingMethod.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ point_segment_distance()

static float dyno::point_segment_distance ( const Vec3f & x0,
const Vec3f & x1,
const Vec3f & x2 )

Definition at line 90 of file FastSweepingMethod.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ point_triangle_distance()

static float dyno::point_triangle_distance ( const Vec3f & x0,
const Vec3f & x1,
const Vec3f & x2,
const Vec3f & x3 )

Definition at line 107 of file FastSweepingMethod.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ polar()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::polar ( const Real & __rho,
const Real & __theta = Real(0) )

Definition at line 279 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ polarDecomposition() [1/4]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::polarDecomposition ( const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & A,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & R,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & U,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & D )

Definition at line 226 of file MatrixFunc.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ polarDecomposition() [2/4]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::polarDecomposition ( const SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & M,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & R,
Real tolerance )

Definition at line 326 of file MatrixFunc.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ polarDecomposition() [3/4]

template<typename Real, int Dim>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::polarDecomposition ( const SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > & A,
SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > & R,
SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > & U,
SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > & D )

◆ polarDecomposition() [4/4]

template<typename Real, int Dim>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::polarDecomposition ( const SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > & M,
SquareMatrix< Real, Dim > & R,
Real tolerance )

◆ pop_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::pop_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
Compare compare )

pop_heap Removes the first item from the heap(which is an array), and adjusts the heap so that the highest priority item becomes the new first item. The logically removed element is actually in the back, so an extra pop_back is need. Thus, the pop of a prior-priority high item in a heap is a two step process: pop_heap and pop_back.

Definition at line 140 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pow() [1/3]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::pow ( const Complex< Real > & __x,
const Complex< Real > & __y )

Definition at line 364 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pow() [2/3]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::pow ( const Complex< Real > & __x,
const Real & __y )

Definition at line 370 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pow() [3/3]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::pow ( const Real & __x,
const Complex< Real > & __y )

Definition at line 376 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ preconditionedResidual()

void dyno::preconditionedResidual ( DArray< float > & residual,
DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< float > & k_1,
DArray< Mat2f > & k_2,
DArray< Mat3f > & k_3,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints )

◆ preConditionJ()

void dyno::preConditionJ ( DArray< Vec3f > J,
DArray< float > d,
DArray< float > eta )

◆ projectOnAxis() [1/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::projectOnAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary,
Real & upperBoundary,
const Vec3f axisNormal,
OrientedBox3D box,
const Real radius )

Definition at line 1076 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

◆ projectOnAxis() [2/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::projectOnAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary,
Real & upperBoundary,
const Vec3f axisNormal,
Segment3D seg,
const Real radius )

Definition at line 676 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

◆ projectOnAxis() [3/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::projectOnAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary,
Real & upperBoundary,
const Vec3f axisNormal,
Sphere3D sphere,
const Real radius )

Definition at line 624 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ projectOnAxis() [4/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::projectOnAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary,
Real & upperBoundary,
const Vec3f axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
const Real radius )

Definition at line 971 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

◆ projectOnAxis() [5/5]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::projectOnAxis ( Real & lowerBoundary,
Real & upperBoundary,
const Vec3f axisNormal,
Triangle3D tri,
const Real radius )

Definition at line 867 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

◆ projectPointToTriangle()

Vec3f dyno::projectPointToTriangle ( const Vec3f & A,
const Vec3f & B,
const Vec3f & C,
const Vec3f & P )

Definition at line 53 of file EarClipper.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ promote_heap() [1/2]

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::promote_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance topPosition,
Distance position,
const T & value,
Compare compare )


Moves a value in the heap from a given position upward until it is sorted correctly. This function requires that the value argument refer to a value that is currently not within the heap. Takes a Compare(a, b) function (or function object) which returns true if a < b.

Definition at line 56 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ promote_heap() [2/2]

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::promote_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance topPosition,
Distance position,
T && value,
Compare compare )

Definition at line 64 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ promote_heap_impl()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename T, typename Compare, typename ValueType>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::promote_heap_impl ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance topPosition,
Distance position,
T value,
Compare compare )


Definition at line 36 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ push_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::push_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
Compare compare )

push_heap Adds an item to a heap(which is an array).The item necessarily comes from the back of the heap (array). Thus, the insertion of a new item in a heap is a two step process: push_back and push_heap.

Definition at line 122 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ QRDecomposition()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::QRDecomposition ( SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & A,
SquareMatrix< Real, 3 > & R,
int p,
int q )

Definition at line 78 of file MatrixFunc.inl.

◆ RecieveLogMessage()

static void dyno::RecieveLogMessage ( const Log::Message & m)

Definition at line 36 of file GlfwRenderWindow.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RecoverFromMortonCode() [1/2]

DYN_FUNC void dyno::RecoverFromMortonCode ( OcKey key,
Level & l,
OcIndex & x,
OcIndex & y,
OcIndex & z )

◆ RecoverFromMortonCode() [2/2]

static DYN_FUNC void dyno::RecoverFromMortonCode ( OcKey key,
OcIndex & x,
OcIndex & y,
OcIndex & z )

Definition at line 43 of file VoxelOctree.h.

◆ Register()

bool dyno::Register ( ClassInfo * ci)

Definition at line 56 of file Object.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::remove_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
Distance heapSize,
Distance position,
Compare compare )

remove_heap Removes an arbitrary entry from the heapand adjusts the heap appropriately. This function is unlike pop_heap in that pop_heap moves the top item to the back of the heap, whereas remove_heap moves an arbitrary item to the back of the heap. Thus, the removing of a new item in a heap is a two step process: remove_heap and pop_back.

Definition at line 204 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rightBound()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::rightBound ( T target,
T * startLoc,
uint maxSize )

Find the right bound of a target with a binary search algorithm.

Template Parameters
dataStart address
maxSizesize of array buffer
case 1: return -1 if data is empty; case 2: return the index of the last element that is equal to or smaller than target case 3: return -1 if target is not in the array

Definition at line 54 of file STLMacro.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveMatrixToFile()

bool dyno::saveMatrixToFile ( DArray< float > & Matrix,
int n,
const std::string & filename )

◆ saveVectorToFile() [1/2]

bool dyno::saveVectorToFile ( const std::vector< float > & vec,
const std::string & filename )

◆ saveVectorToFile() [2/2]

bool dyno::saveVectorToFile ( DArray< float > & vec,
const std::string & filename )

◆ ScanSizeOfNextLevel()

int dyno::ScanSizeOfNextLevel ( int size,
int localSize )

Definition at line 4 of file VkScan.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_v()

static void dyno::set_v ( TetInfo & obj,
const std::vector< Vec3f > & values )

Definition at line 20 of file RigidBodyShared.h.

◆ SetupAttributesForSFI()

void dyno::SetupAttributesForSFI ( DArray< Attribute > & att)

◆ setUpBallAndSocketJointConstraints()

void dyno::setUpBallAndSocketJointConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< BallAndSocketJoint< float > > joints,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
int begin_index )

◆ setUpContactAndFrictionConstraints()

void dyno::setUpContactAndFrictionConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInLocalFrame,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
bool hasFriction )

◆ setupContactCaps()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactCaps ( Real boundary1,
Real boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
TCapsule3D< Real > cap,
TOrientedBox3D< Real > box,
Real depth,
TManifold< Real > & m )

Definition at line 3415 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setUpContactConstraints()

void dyno::setUpContactConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInLocalFrame,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat )

◆ setupContactOnBox()

template<typename Real, typename Shape>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactOnBox ( TManifold< Real > & m,
TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
const Shape & shapeA,
const TOrientedBox3D< Real > & boxB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB )

Definition at line 1166 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupContactOnSeg()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactOnSeg ( TManifold< Real > & m,
TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
const TSegment3D< Real > & segB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB )

Definition at line 737 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupContactOnSphere()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactOnSphere ( TManifold< Real > & m,
TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
const TSphere3D< Real > & sphereB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB )

Definition at line 639 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupContactOnTet()

template<typename Real, typename Shape>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactOnTet ( TManifold< Real > & m,
TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
const Shape & shapeA,
const TTet3D< Real > & tetB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB )

Definition at line 1034 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupContactOnTri()

template<typename Real, typename Shape>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactOnTri ( TManifold< Real > & m,
TSeparationData< Real > & sat,
const Shape & shapeA,
const TTriangle3D< Real > & triB,
const Real radiusA,
const Real radiusB )

Definition at line 929 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setUpContactsInLocalFrame()

void dyno::setUpContactsInLocalFrame ( DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInLocalFrame,
DArray< TContactPair< float > > contactsInGlobalFrame,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat )

◆ setupContactTets() [1/3]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactTets ( Real boundary1,
Real boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
Capsule3D cap,
Real sMax,
TManifold< Real > & m )

Definition at line 3603 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setupContactTets() [2/3]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactTets ( Real boundary1,
Real boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
TOrientedBox3D< Real > box,
Real sMax,
TManifold< Real > & m )

Definition at line 4814 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setupContactTets() [3/3]

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactTets ( Real boundary1,
Real boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet1,
Tet3D tet2,
Real sMax,
TManifold< Real > & m )

Definition at line 4625 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setupContactTetTri()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::setupContactTetTri ( Real boundary1,
Real boundary2,
const Vector< Real, 3 > axisNormal,
Tet3D tet,
Triangle3D triangle,
Real sMax,
TManifold< Real > & m )

Definition at line 3710 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setUpFixedJointConstraints()

void dyno::setUpFixedJointConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints,
DArray< FixedJoint< float > > & joints,
DArray< Mat3f > & rotMat,
DArray< Quat1f > & rotQuat,
int begin_index )

◆ setUpGravity()

void dyno::setUpGravity ( DArray< Vec3f > impulse_ext,
float g,
float dt )

◆ setUpHingeJointConstraints()

void dyno::setUpHingeJointConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< HingeJoint< float > > joints,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
DArray< Quat1f > rotation_q,
int begin_index )

◆ setUpPointJointConstraints()

void dyno::setUpPointJointConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< PointJoint< float > > joints,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
int begin_index )

◆ setupPoints()

template<typename Vec3f>
void dyno::setupPoints ( DArray< Vec3f > & newPos,
DArray< Vec3f > & pos,
DArray< int > & radix )

◆ setUpSliderJointConstraints()

void dyno::setUpSliderJointConstraints ( DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
DArray< SliderJoint< float > > joints,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
DArray< Quat1f > rotQuat,
int begin_index )

◆ sgn()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::sgn ( T x)

Definition at line 96 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Shape_PointCounter()

template<typename uint>
void dyno::Shape_PointCounter ( DArray< int > & counter,
DArray< uint > & point_ShapeIds,
uint & target )

◆ shapeToCenter()

template<typename Vec3f, typename uint>
void dyno::shapeToCenter ( DArray< Vec3f > & iniPos,
DArray< Vec3f > & finalPos,
DArray< uint > & shapeId,
DArray< Vec3f > & t )

◆ shapeTransform()

template<typename Mat4f, typename Vec3f>
void dyno::shapeTransform ( DArray< Vec3f > & intialPosition,
DArray< Vec3f > & worldPosition,
DArray< Vec3f > & intialNormal,
DArray< Vec3f > & Normal,
DArray< Mat4f > & WorldMatrix,
DArray< uint > & vertexId_shape,
DArray< int > & shapeId_MeshId )

◆ sign()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::sign ( T const & a,
T const EPS = EPSILON )

Definition at line 39 of file SimpleMath.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SignedDistanceEE()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::SignedDistanceEE ( const Vector< T, 3 > & x0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & x1,
const Vector< T, 3 > & y0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & y1,
Vector< T, 3 > * n,
Real * w )

Definition at line 54 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SignedDistanceVF()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::SignedDistanceVF ( const Vector< T, 3 > & x,
const Vector< T, 3 > & y0,
const Vector< T, 3 > & y1,
const Vector< T, 3 > & y2,
Vector< T, 3 > * n,
T * w )

Definition at line 25 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sin()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::sin ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 564 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sinh()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::sinh ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 260 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SizeOfNextLevel()

int dyno::SizeOfNextLevel ( int size,
int localSize )

Definition at line 7 of file VkReduce.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ skinAnimation()

template<typename Vec3f, typename Vec4f, typename Mat4f, typename Vec2u>
void dyno::skinAnimation ( DArray< Vec3f > & intialPosition,
DArray< Vec3f > & worldPosition,
DArray< Mat4f > & joint_inverseBindMatrix,
DArray< Mat4f > & WorldMatrix,
DArray< Vec4f > & bind_joints_0,
DArray< Vec4f > & bind_joints_1,
DArray< Vec4f > & weights_0,
DArray< Vec4f > & weights_1,
Mat4f transform,
bool isNormal,
Vec2u range )

◆ SO_ComputeObjectAndNormal()

template<typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::SO_ComputeObjectAndNormal ( Coord & pobject,
Coord & pnormal,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & surf_points,
Array< TopologyModule::Edge, deviceType > & edge,
Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > & surf_triangles,
Array< TopologyModule::Tri2Edg, deviceType > & t2e,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & edgeN,
Array< Coord, deviceType > & vertexN,
Coord ppos,
IndexType surf_id )

Definition at line 128 of file Distance3D.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SolveCubic()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::SolveCubic ( T a,
T b,
T c,
T d,
T x[3] )

Definition at line 141 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SolveQuadratic()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC int dyno::SolveQuadratic ( T a,
T b,
T c,
T x[2] )

Definition at line 99 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sort_heap()

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::sort_heap ( RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
Compare compare )


After the application if this algorithm, the range it was applied to is no longer a heap, though it will be a reverse heap. The item with the lowest priority will be first, and the highest last. This is not a stable sort because the relative order of equivalent elements is not necessarily preserved. The range referenced must be valid; all pointers must be dereferenceable and within the sequence the last position is reachable from the first by incrementation. The complexity is at most O(n * log(n)), where n is count of the range.

Definition at line 190 of file Heap.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sqrt()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::sqrt ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 321 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ STP()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::STP ( const Vector< T, 3 > & u,
const Vector< T, 3 > & v,
const Vector< T, 3 > & w )

Definition at line 10 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ swapContactPair()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::swapContactPair ( TManifold< Real > & m)

Definition at line 26 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sweep()

static void dyno::sweep ( const CArray< Vec3ui > & tri,
const CArray< Vec3f > & x,
CArray3f & phi,
CArray3i & closest_tri,
const Vec3f & origin,
float dx,
int di,
int dj,
int dk )

Definition at line 149 of file FastSweepingMethod.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tan()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::tan ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 581 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tanh()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC Complex< Real > dyno::tanh ( const Complex< Real > & __x)

Definition at line 491 of file Complex.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trackEdgeAxis()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::trackEdgeAxis ( int & axis,
Real & sMax,
Vector< Real, 3 > & axisNormal,
int n,
Real s,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & normal )

Definition at line 56 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trackFaceAxis()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC bool dyno::trackFaceAxis ( int & axis,
Real & sMax,
Vector< Real, 3 > & axisNormal,
int n,
Real s,
const Vector< Real, 3 > & normal )

Definition at line 39 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ traverseNode()

void dyno::traverseNode ( tinygltf::Model & model,
joint id,
std::vector< joint > & joint_nodes,
std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > & dir,
std::vector< joint > currentDir )

◆ triangleArea()

float dyno::triangleArea ( const Vec3f & a,
const Vec3f & b,
const Vec3f & c )

Definition at line 45 of file EarClipper.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ trilinear()

template<typename T, DeviceType deviceType>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::trilinear ( Array3D< T, deviceType > & array3d,
float x,
float y,
float z,
LerpMode mode = LerpMode::REPEAT )

Definition at line 85 of file Lerp.h.

◆ triProduct()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC T dyno::triProduct ( Vector< T, 3 > & a,
Vector< T, 3 > & b,
Vector< T, 3 > & c )

Definition at line 84 of file TightCCD.inl.

◆ uniformPtr()

template<typename T>
VkUniform< T > * dyno::uniformPtr ( )

Definition at line 83 of file VkProgram.h.

◆ updateGesture()

void dyno::updateGesture ( DArray< Attribute > attribute,
DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Quat1f > rotQuat,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia_init,
float dt )

◆ updateJoint_Mesh_Camera_Dir()

void dyno::updateJoint_Mesh_Camera_Dir ( tinygltf::Model & model,
int & jointNum,
int & meshNum,
std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > & jointId_joint_Dir,
std::vector< joint > & all_Joints,
std::vector< int > & all_Nodes,
std::map< joint, std::vector< int > > nodeId_Dir,
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > & meshId_Dir,
std::vector< int > & all_Meshs,
int & maxJointId )

◆ updatePositionAndRotation()

void dyno::updatePositionAndRotation ( DArray< Vec3f > pos,
DArray< Quat1f > rotQuat,
DArray< Mat3f > rotMat,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia,
DArray< Mat3f > inertia_init,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse_constrain )

◆ updateSDF()

template<typename Real>
DYN_FUNC void dyno::updateSDF ( Real & boundaryA,
Real & boundaryB,
Real & depth,
Vec3f & normal,
Real currentBoundaryA,
Real currentBoundaryB,
Real currentDepth,
Vec3f currentN )

Definition at line 490 of file CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.inl.

◆ updateVelocity()

void dyno::updateVelocity ( DArray< Attribute > attribute,
DArray< Vec3f > velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > angular_velocity,
DArray< Vec3f > impulse,
float linearDamping,
float angularDamping,
float dt )

◆ updateVertexIdShape()

template<typename Triangle>
void dyno::updateVertexIdShape ( DArray< Triangle > & triangle,
DArray< uint > & ID_shapeId,
int & shapeId,
int size )

◆ vectorAdd()

void dyno::vectorAdd ( DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< float > & v1,
DArray< float > & v2,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints )

◆ vectorClampFriction()

void dyno::vectorClampFriction ( DArray< float > v,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints,
int contact_size,
float mu )

◆ vectorClampSupport()

void dyno::vectorClampSupport ( DArray< float > v,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > constraints )

◆ vectorMultiplyScale()

void dyno::vectorMultiplyScale ( DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< float > & initialVec,
float scale,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints )

◆ vectorMultiplyVector()

void dyno::vectorMultiplyVector ( DArray< float > & v1,
DArray< float > & v2,
DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints )

◆ vectorNorm()

float dyno::vectorNorm ( DArray< float > & a,
DArray< float > & b )

◆ vectorSub()

void dyno::vectorSub ( DArray< float > & ans,
DArray< float > & subtranhend,
DArray< float > & minuend,
DArray< TConstraintPair< float > > & constraints )

◆ vkDispatchSize()

static dim3 dyno::vkDispatchSize ( uint totalSize,
uint blockSize )

Definition at line 34 of file VkProgram.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vkDispatchSize2D()

static dim3 dyno::vkDispatchSize2D ( uint size_x,
uint size_y,
uint blockSize )

Definition at line 41 of file VkProgram.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkDispatchSize3D()

static dim3 dyno::vkDispatchSize3D ( uint size_x,
uint size_y,
uint size_z,
uint blockSize )

Definition at line 51 of file VkProgram.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [1/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( std::vector< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray2D< T > & src )

Definition at line 204 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [2/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( std::vector< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray3D< T > & src )

Definition at line 331 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [3/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( std::vector< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray< T > & src )

Definition at line 113 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [4/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray2D< T > & dst,
const std::vector< T > & src )

Definition at line 224 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [5/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray2D< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray2D< T > & src )

Definition at line 248 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [6/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray3D< T > & dst,
const std::vector< T > & src )

Definition at line 268 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [7/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray3D< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray3D< T > & src )

Definition at line 292 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [8/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray< T > & dst,
const std::vector< T > & src )

Definition at line 133 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [9/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray< T > & src )

Definition at line 158 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [10/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray< T > & dst,
const VkHostArray< T > & src )

Definition at line 93 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [11/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkDeviceArray< T > & dst,
uint64_t dstOffset,
const VkDeviceArray< T > & src,
uint64_t srcOffset,
uint64_t copySize )

Definition at line 178 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [12/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkHostArray< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray2D< T > & src )

Definition at line 46 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [13/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkHostArray< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray3D< T > & src )

Definition at line 311 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ vkTransfer() [14/14]

template<typename T>
bool dyno::vkTransfer ( VkHostArray< T > & dst,
const VkDeviceArray< T > & src )

Definition at line 7 of file VkTransfer.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xvpos()

template<typename T>
DYN_FUNC Vector< T, 3 > dyno::xvpos ( Vector< T, 3 > x,
Vector< T, 3 > v,
T t )

Definition at line 90 of file TightCCD.inl.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation


uint dyno::BLOCK_SIZE = 64

Definition at line 48 of file Typedef.inl.

◆ classInfoMap

std::map< std::string, ClassInfo*>* dyno::classInfoMap = NULL

Definition at line 6 of file Object.cpp.


int dyno::EMPTY = -1

Definition at line 4 of file TopologyConstants.h.


Real dyno::EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon()

Definition at line 42 of file Typedef.inl.

◆ hBox

std::vector<px::Box> dyno::hBox

Definition at line 18 of file UniformGridRenderer.cpp.

◆ KeyMap

std::map<int, PKeyboardType> dyno::KeyMap

Definition at line 31 of file POpenGLWidget.cpp.

◆ m_wait_condition

QWaitCondition dyno::m_wait_condition

Definition at line 18 of file PSimulationThread.cpp.


Real dyno::REAL_EPSILON = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon)()

Definition at line 43 of file Typedef.inl.



Definition at line 44 of file Typedef.inl.


Real dyno::REAL_INF = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity)()

Definition at line 47 of file Typedef.inl.


Real dyno::REAL_MAX = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::max)()

Definition at line 45 of file Typedef.inl.


Real dyno::REAL_MIN = (std::numeric_limits<Real>::min)()

Definition at line 46 of file Typedef.inl.