template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType> |
DYN_FUNC bool | dyno::calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSet (ProjectedPoint3D< Real > &p3d, Coord point, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertices, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &indices, List< IndexType > &list, Real dHat=0) |
| Calculate the signed distance from a point to a triangular mesh.
template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType> |
DYN_FUNC bool | dyno::calculateSignedDistance2TriangleSetFromNormal (ProjectedPoint3D< Real > &p3d, Coord point, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertices, Array< TopologyModule::Edge, deviceType > &edges, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &triangles, Array< TopologyModule::Tri2Edg, deviceType > &t2e, Array< Coord, deviceType > &edgeNormal, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertexNormal, List< IndexType > &list, Real dHat=0) |
template<typename Real, typename Coord, DeviceType deviceType, typename IndexType> |
DYN_FUNC bool | dyno::calculateDistance2TriangleSet (ProjectedPoint3D< Real > &p3d, Coord point, Array< Coord, deviceType > &vertices, Array< TopologyModule::Triangle, deviceType > &indices, List< IndexType > &list, Real dHat=0) |
| Calculate the distance from a point to a triangular mesh.