►Ndyno | This is an implementation of AdditiveCCD based on peridyno |
CAction | |
CAdaptiveBoundary | |
CAdaptiveVolumeToTriangleSet | |
CAdd | |
CAdditiveCCD | |
CAddRealAndReal | |
CAnchorPointToPointSet | |
CAnimationCurve | |
CAnimationDriver | |
CAnimationPipeline | |
CAppBase | |
CApplyBumpMap2TriangleSet | |
CApproximateImplicitViscosity | |
CArithmetic | |
CArray | This class is designed to be elegant, so it can be directly passed to GPU as parameters |
CArray2D | |
CArray2DInfo | |
CArray3D | |
CArray3DInfo | |
CArrayList | |
CArrayList< ElementType, DeviceType::CPU > | |
CArrayList< T, DeviceType::GPU > | |
CArrayListInfo | |
CArrayMap | |
CArrayMap< ElementType, DeviceType::CPU > | |
CArrayMap< ElementType, DeviceType::GPU > | |
CArrudaBoyceModel | |
CArticulatedBody | |
CAssignFrameNumberAct | |
CAttribute | Particle attribute 0x00000000: [31-30]material; [29]motion; [28]Dynamic; [27-8]undefined yet, for future use; [7-0]correspondding to the id of a fluid phase in multiphase fluid or an object in a multibody system |
CAutoLayoutDAG | Automatic layout for directed acyclic graph Refer to "Sugiyama Algorithm" by Nikola S. Nikolov[2015] for details |
CBackgroundRenderer | |
CBallAndSocketJoint | |
CBasicShape | |
CBasicShapeToVolume | |
CBBoxRenderer | |
Cbinary_function | |
CBitAndFunc | |
CBitOrFunc | |
CBitXorFunc | |
CBone | |
CBool | |
CBoundaryConstraint | |
CBoundingBoxOfTextureMesh | A class to facilitate showing the shape information |
CBoundingBoxToEdgeSet | |
CBoxInfo | |
CBuffer | |
CBufferCopy | |
CBVHNode | |
CCalculateBoundingBox | A class implementation to calculate bounding box |
CCalculateMaximum | |
CCalculateMinimum | |
CCalculateNorm | |
CCalculateNormalSDF | |
CCamera | |
►CCanvas | |
CCoord2D | |
CEndPoint | |
COriginalCoord | |
CCapillaryWave | |
CCapsuleInfo | |
CCapsuleModel | |
CCarDriver | |
CCircularEmitter | |
CClassInfo | |
CClipVertex | |
CCloth | Peridynamics-based cloth |
CCodimensionalPD | |
CCollisionDetection | |
CCollisionDetectionBroadPhase | |
CCollisionDetector | |
CCollistionDetectionBoundingBox | |
CCollistionDetectionTriangleSet | |
CColor | |
CColorMapping | |
CComplex | |
CComputeModule | |
CComputeParticleAnisotropy | |
CComputeSurfaceLevelset | |
CConeModel | |
CConfigurableBody | |
CConstantKernel | |
CConstraintModule | |
CConstructTangentSpace | |
CContactRule | |
CContactsToEdgeSet | |
CContactsToPointSet | |
CContactsUnion | |
CConvertToTextureMesh | |
CCopyModel | |
CCopyToPoint | |
CCorrectedKernel | |
CCoSemiImplicitHyperelasticitySolver | |
CCTimer | |
CCubeModel | |
CCubicKernel | |
CCurve | |
CCylinderModel | |
CDataSource | |
CDataTypes | |
CDebugInfo | |
Cdim3 | |
CDirectedAcyclicGraph | Graph class represents a directed graph |
CDiscreteElementRenderer | |
CDiscreteElements | |
CDiscreteElementsToTriangleSet | |
CDistanceField3D | |
CDistanceJoint | |
CDivergenceFreeSphSolver | |
CDivide | |
CDivideFunc | |
CDivideRealAndReal | |
CDragSurfaceInteraction | |
CDragVertexInteraction | |
CDualParticleFluid | |
CDualParticleIsphModule | |
CDualParticleSystemInitializer | |
CEarClipper | |
CEdgeInteraction | |
CEdgePickerNode | |
CEdgeSet | |
CEditableMesh | |
CEigenValueWriter | |
CEKey | |
CElasticBody | |
CElastoplasticBody | |
CElastoplasticityModule | |
CElementOffset | |
CEnergyAnalysis | |
CEnergyModels | |
CEnvmap | |
CEqualFunc | |
CExtractEdgeSetFromPolygonSet | |
CExtractQaudSetFromPolygonSet | |
CExtractShape | A class to merge TextureMeshs |
CExtractTriangleSetFromPolygonSet | |
CExtrudeModel | |
CFArray | |
CFArray2D | |
CFArray3D | |
CFastMarchingMethodGPU | This class implements a GPU-based fast marching method to do boolean between two distance fields |
CFastSweepingMethod | This is a CPU-based implementation of grid-based signed distance field (level set) generator for triangle meshes. For more details, please refer to Robert Bridson's website (www.cs.ubc.ca/~rbridson) |
CFastSweepingMethodGPU | This is a GPU-based fast sweeping method to generate signed distance field from a mesh |
CFBase | |
CFCallBackFunc | |
CFiberModel | |
CField_Type | |
CFieldSignal | |
CFilePath | |
CFInstance | Pointer of objects |
CFixedJoint | |
CFixedPoints | |
CFloatingNumber | |
CFluidSolverParams | |
CFractureModule | |
CFrame | A frame represents a point equipped with the orientation |
CFramebuffer | |
CFrameToPointSet | |
CFungModel | |
CFVar | |
CGatherVisualModuleAction | |
CGear | |
CGeometryLoader | |
CGhostFluid | Ghost fluid method |
CGhostParticles | |
CGLCommonPointVisualNode | |
CGlfwApp | |
CGlfwRenderWindow | |
CGLInstanceVisualModule | |
CGLInstanceVisualNode | |
CGLMaterial | |
CGLPhotorealisticInstanceRender | |
CGLPhotorealisticRender | |
CGLPointVisualModule | |
CGLPointVisualNode | |
►CGLRenderEngine | |
CRenderItem | |
CGLRenderHelper | |
CGLRenderMode | |
CGLShape | |
CGLSurfaceVisualModule | |
CGLSurfaceVisualNode | |
CGLTextureMesh | |
CGltfLoader | |
CGLVisualModule | |
CGLWireframeVisualModule | |
CGLWireframeVisualNode | |
CGmsh | |
CGranularMedia | This class implements the shallow sand equation to simulate dry granular flows. For more details, refer to "Shallow Sand Equations: Real-Time Height Field Simulation of Dry Granular Flows" by Zhu et al.[2021], IEEE TVCG |
CGranularModule | |
CGraphicsObject | |
CGraphicsPipeline | |
Cgreater | |
CGreaterEqualFunc | |
CGreaterFunc | |
CGridHash | |
CGridIndex | |
CGridInfo | |
CGridSet | |
CGroundRenderer | |
CGroup | |
CGroupModule | |
CHashGrid | |
CHeightField | |
CHeightFieldInitializer | |
CHeightFieldToTriangleSet | |
CHelmholtz | |
CHexahedronSet | |
CHierarchicalScene | |
CHingeJoint | |
CHostArray2DInfo | |
CHyperelasticBody | |
CHyperelasticityModel | |
CImageLoader | |
CImChart | |
CImColorbar | |
CImplicitISPH | This is an implementation of the Implicit Incompressible SPH (IISPH) solver based on PeriDyno. For details, refer to "Implicit Incompressible SPH" by Ihmsen et al., IEEE TVCG, 2015. The code was written by Shusen Liu, ISCAS, Sep, 2024 |
CImplicitViscosity | This class implements an implicit solver for artificial viscosity based on the XSPH method |
CImWidget | |
CImWindow | |
CIndex2D | |
CIndex2DPlane | |
CIndexCmp | |
CIndexNode | |
CInputModule | |
CInstanceBase | |
CInstanceTransform | |
CInteractionInitializer | |
CInterval | |
CIOInitializer | |
CIterativeDensitySolver | This is an implementation of the iterative density solver integrated into the Position Based Dynamics framework |
Citerator_traits | |
Citerator_traits< const T * > | |
Citerator_traits< T * > | |
CJCapsule | |
CJeep | |
CJoint | |
CJointAnimationInfo | |
CJointDeform | A class to facilitate showing the shape information |
CJointInfo | |
CJointTree | A JointTree(Skeleton) represents a hierarchical tree structure of joints |
CKernel | |
CKeyboardInputModule | |
CLandScape | |
CLargeOcean | |
Cless | |
CLessEqualFunc | |
CLessFunc | |
CLevelSet | |
CLinearBVH | |
CLinearDamping | A linear damping model |
CLinearElasticitySolver | This is an implementation of elasticity based on projective peridynamics. For more details, please refer to[He et al. 2017] "Projective Peridynamics for Modeling Versatile Elastoplastic Materials" |
CLinearModel | |
CList | Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large |
►CLog | |
CMessage | |
CLogicalAndFunc | |
CLogicalNotFunc | |
CLogicalOrFunc | |
CMakeGhostParticles | |
CMakeParticleSystem | |
CMap | Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large |
CMarchingCubes | |
CMarchingCubesHelper | |
CMaterial | |
CMatrixBase | |
CMaximumFunc | |
CmDoubleSpinBox | |
►CmDrawLabel | |
CCoord0_1 | |
CEndPoint | |
CMyCoord | |
CMerge | |
CMergeSimplexSet | |
CMergeTriangleSet | |
CMesh | |
CMeshInfo | |
CMinimumFunc | |
CMinusFunc | |
CmJointItemLayout | |
CModelEditing | |
CModelingInitializer | |
CModelObject | |
CModule | |
CModulusFunc | |
CMooneyRivlinModel | |
CMouseInputModule | |
CmPiecewiseDoubleSpinBox | |
CmQCheckBox | |
CmQDoubleSlider | |
CmQDoubleSpinner | |
CmSpinBox | |
CMultibodySystem | |
CMultiMap | An CPU/GPU implementation of the standard multimap suitable for small-size data |
CMultiphysicsInitializer | |
CMultipleNodePort | |
CMultiply | |
CMultiplyFunc | |
CMultiplyRealAndReal | |
CMultiSet | An CPU/GPU implementation of the standard multiset suitable for small-size data |
CmVec3fWidget | |
CmVectorItemLayout | |
CmVectorTransformItemLayout | |
CName_Shape | |
CNBoundingBox | |
CNegateFunc | |
CNeighborElementQuery | A class implementation to find neighboring elements for a given array of elements |
CNeighborPointQuery | |
CNeighborTriangleQuery | |
CNeoHookeanModel | |
CNode | |
CNodeAction | |
CNodeCmp | |
CNodeFactory | |
CNodeGroup | |
CNodeInfoAct | |
CNodeIterator | |
CNodePage | |
CNodePort | Input ports for Node |
CNormalForce | |
CNormalVisualization | |
CNotEqualFunc | |
COBase | |
CObject | |
COcean | |
COceanBase | |
COceanPatch | |
COctreeNode | |
COgdenModel | |
COrbitCamera | |
COriginalFaceId | |
COutputModule | |
CPair | |
CPAnimationQSlider | |
CPAnimationWidget | |
CParameters | Implement functions for reorganizing ranges into sorted order |
CParametricModel | |
CParticleApproximation | |
CParticleEmitter | |
CParticleFluid | |
CParticleIntegrator | |
CParticleRelaxtionOnMesh | |
CParticleSkinning | |
CParticleSystem | This class represents the base class for more advanced particle-based nodes |
CParticleSystemHelper | |
CParticleSystemInitializer | |
CParticleWriter | |
CPaticleUniformAnalysis | |
CPCGConstraintSolver | |
CPConsoleWidget | |
CPdActor | |
CPDataViewerWidget | |
CPDockWidget | |
CPEnum | |
CPeridynamics | A base class for peridynamics-based computational paradigms |
CPeridynamicsInitializer | |
CPicture | |
CPIntegerViewerWidget | |
CPIODockWidget | |
CPIOTabWidget | |
CPipeline | |
CPJSConstraintSolver | |
CPJSNJSConstraintSolver | |
CPJSoftConstraintSolver | |
CPKeyboardEvent | |
CPlaneModel | |
CPLogWidget | |
CPlugin | Class form managing and encapsulating shared libraries loading |
CPluginEntry | |
CPluginManager | Repository of plugins. It can instantiate any class from any loaded plugin by its name |
CPlusFunc | |
CPMainToolBar | |
CPMainWindow | |
CPModuleEditor | |
CPModuleEditorToolBar | |
CPMouseEvent | |
CPointClip | |
CPointFromCurve | |
CPointInteraction | |
CPointJoint | |
CPointPickerNode | |
CPointsBehindMesh | |
CPointSet | A PointSet stores the coordinates for a set of independent points |
CPointSetToPointSet | |
CPointSetToTriangleSet | |
CPointsLoader | Load a triangular mesh |
CPoissonDiskSampling | |
CPoissonEmitter | |
CPoissonPlane | |
►CPolyExtrude | |
Cpoint_layer | |
CPrim_point_Point | |
CPolygonSet | Class to store polygon whose vertex number is greater or equal than 3 |
CPolygonSetToTriangleSetModule | |
CPolygonSetToTriangleSetNode | |
CPolynomialModel | |
CPOpenGLWidget | |
CPose | |
CPositionBasedFluidModel | |
CPositionCmp | |
CPositionNode | |
CPostProcessing | |
CPOtherSetting | |
►CPPropertyWidget | |
CFieldWidgetMeta | |
CPPushButton | |
CPRealViewerWidget | |
Cpredicate | |
CPRenderSetting | |
CPrintFloat | |
CPrintInt | |
CPrintUnsigned | |
CPrintVector | |
Cpriority_queue | |
CProgram | |
CProjectedPoint3D | |
CProjectionBasedFluidModel | |
CProjectivePeridynamics | |
CPSceneSetting | |
CPScrollBarViewerWidget | |
CPSettingEditor | |
CPSettingWidget | |
CPSimulationThread | |
CPStatusBar | |
CPTableItemMessage | |
CPTableItemProgress | |
CPTransform3fViewerWidget | |
CPVec2FieldViewerWidget | |
CPVec3FieldViewerWidget | |
CQBoolFieldWidget | |
CQColorButton | |
CQColorWidget | |
CQCurveLabel | |
CQCurveWidget | |
CQDoubleSlider | |
CQDoubleSpinner | |
CQDrawLabel | |
CQEnumFieldWidget | |
CQFieldPropertyWidget | |
CQFieldWidget | |
CQFilePathWidget | |
CQIntegerFieldWidget | |
CQJointBodyDetail | |
CQKey | |
CQPiecewiseDoubleSpinBox | |
CQPiecewiseSpinBox | |
CQRampWidget | |
CQRealFieldWidget | |
CQRigidBodyDetail | |
CQStateFieldWidget | |
CQStringFieldWidget | |
CQtApp | |
CQTimeTableWidgetItem | |
CQToggleButton | |
CQToggleLabel | |
CQuadPickerNode | |
CQuadSet | |
CQuadSetToTriangleSet | |
CQuarticKernel | |
CQuat | |
CQUIntegerFieldWidget | |
CQValueButton | |
CQValueDialog | |
CQVec3fWidget | |
CQVector3FieldWidget | |
CQVector3iFieldWidget | |
CQVectorIntFieldWidget | |
CQVectorTransform3FieldWidget | |
CQVehicleInfoWidget | |
CRamp | |
CRandNumber | |
CRandomAccessContainer | |
CReduction | |
CReduction< Vec3d > | |
CReduction< Vec3f > | |
Cremove_reference | |
Cremove_reference< T & > | |
Cremove_reference< T && > | |
CRenderEngine | |
►CRenderParams | |
CLight | |
CTransform | |
CRenderTools | |
CRenderWindow | |
CResetAct | |
CRigid | |
CRigid< T, 1 > | |
CRigid< T, 2 > | |
CRigid< T, 3 > | |
CRigidBody | |
CRigidBodyInfo | |
CRigidBodyInitializer | |
CRigidBodyItemLayout | |
CRigidBodySystem | Implementation of a rigid body system containing a variety of rigid bodies with different shapes |
CRigidMesh | |
CRigidSandCoupling | This class implements a coupling between a granular media and a rigid body system |
CRigidWaterCoupling | |
CSampler | |
CScan | |
CScanParameters | Implement functions for computing prefix sums |
CSceneGraph | |
CSceneGraphFactory | |
CSceneLoader | |
CSceneLoaderFactory | |
►CSceneLoaderXML | |
CConnectionInfo | |
CSdfSampler | |
►CSelection | |
CItem | |
CSemiAnalyticalIncompressibilityModule | |
CSemiAnalyticalIncompressibleFluidModel | |
CSemiAnalyticalParticleShifting | |
CSemiAnalyticalPBD | |
CSemiAnalyticalPositionBasedFluidModel | |
CSemiAnalyticalSchemeInitializer | |
CSemiAnalyticalSFINode | Semi-Analytical Solid Fluid Interaction |
CSemiAnalyticalSummationDensity | |
CSemiAnalyticalSurfaceTensionModel | Semi-Analytical Surface Tension Model for Free Surface Flows |
CSemiImplicitDensitySolver | This class implements a semi-implicit successive substitution method to solve incompressibility. For more details, refer to He et al. "A Semi-Implicit SPH Method for Compressible and Incompressible Flows with Improved Convergence", Eurographics 2025 |
CSemiImplicitHyperelasticitySolver | |
CSet | An CPU/GPU implementation of the standard set suitable for small-size data |
CShader | |
CShadowMap | |
CShape | |
CShapeSampler | |
CSimpleVechicleDriver | |
CSimpleVelocityConstraint | |
CSimplexSet | |
CSingleNodePort | |
CSkinInfo | |
CSliderJoint | |
CSmesh | |
CSmoothKernel | |
CSparseGridHash | |
CSparseMarchingCubes | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CSparseOctree | |
CSparseVolumeClipper | |
CSphereInfo | |
CSphereModel | |
CSpikyKernel | |
CSplineConstraint | |
CSplitSimplexSet | |
CSquareEmitter | |
CSquareMatrix | |
CSquareMatrix< T, 2 > | |
CSquareMatrix< T, 3 > | |
CSquareMatrix< T, 4 > | |
CStack | Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large |
CStates | |
CStaticMeshLoader | A node containing a TriangleSet object |
CSteer | |
CSTLBuffer | Be aware do not use this structure on GPU if the data size is large |
CStructuredPointSet | |
CStVKModel | |
CSubdivide | |
CSubtract | |
CSubtractRealAndReal | |
CSummationDensity | The standard summation density |
CSurfaceEnergyForce | An implementation of the energy-based surface model proposed by He et al.[2024]. Refer to "Robust Simulation of Sparsely Sampled Thin Features in SPH-Based Free Surface Flows", ACM TOG 2014, for more details |
CSurfaceInteraction | |
CSurfaceParticleTracking | |
CSurfaceTension | |
CSweepModel | |
CTAlignedBox2D | |
CTAlignedBox3D | |
CTank | |
CTBond | Definition of a bond in Peridynamics |
CTCapsule3D | |
CTCircle2D | |
CTCone3D | |
CTConstraintPair | |
CTContact | |
CTContactPair | |
CTCylinder3D | |
CTDisk2D | |
CTDisk3D | |
CTetInfo | |
CTetrahedralSystem | |
CTetrahedronSet | |
CTetrahedronSetToPointSet | |
CTetraMeshWriter | |
CTetraMeshWriterFracture | |
CTexture | |
CTexture2D | |
CTexture2DMultiSample | |
CTextureCube | |
CTextureMesh | |
CTextureMeshLoader | |
CTextureMeshMerge | A class to merge TextureMeshs |
CTextureMeshToTriangleSet | |
CTextureMeshToTriangleSetNode | |
CTGrid3D | |
CThread | Peridynamics-based Thread |
CThreadSystem | |
CTightCCD | |
CTimeStamp | Time stamp |
CTJConstraintSolver | |
CTJSoftConstraintSolver | |
CTKey | |
CTLine2D | 1D geometric primitives in two-dimensional space |
CTLine3D | 1D geometric primitives in three-dimensional space |
CTManifold | |
CtoggleLabel | |
CToolBarIcoAndLabel | |
CToolBarPage | |
CTopologyMapping | |
CTopologyModule | |
CTOrientedBox3D | |
CTPlane3D | 2D geometric primitives in three-dimensional space |
CTPoint2D | 0D geometric primitive in two-dimensional space |
CTPoint3D | 0D geometric primitive in three-dimensional space |
CTPointSweep3D | |
CTPolygon2D | |
CTrackballCamera | |
CTrackedTank | |
CTransform | |
CTransform< T, 2 > | |
CTransform< T, 3 > | |
CTransformModel | |
►CTRay2D | |
CParam | |
►CTRay3D | |
CParam | |
CTRectangle2D | |
►CTRectangle3D | |
CParam | |
CTriangleMeshWriter | |
CTrianglePickerNode | |
CTriangleSet | |
►CTriangleSetRenderer | |
CGraphicsUBO | |
CTriangularMeshBoundary | A triangular mesh boundary to prevent interpenetration for particles |
CTriangularMeshConstraint | |
CTriangularSystem | |
CTSegment2D | |
CTSegment3D | |
CTSeparationData | |
CTSphere3D | 3D geometric primitives in three-dimensional space |
CTTet3D | Vertices are ordered so that the normal vectors for the triangular faces point outwards 3 / | \ 0 - 2 - 1 |
CTTriangle2D | 2D geometric primitives in two-dimensional space |
►CTTriangle3D | |
CParam | |
CTTriangleSweep3D | |
CTurningModel | |
CUAV | |
CUbiApp | This class provides a unified representation for all three GUIs, including the GlfwGUI, QtGUI and WtGUI |
Cuint3 | |
Cunary_function | |
CUniformGrid3D | |
CUniformGridRenderer | |
CUnstructuredPointSet | |
CUUV | |
CValueButton | |
CValueDialog | |
CVariationalApproximateProjection | Projection-based solver |
CVector | |
CVector3Source | |
CVector< T, 4 > | |
CVectorBase | |
CVectorND | |
CVectorVisualNode | |
CVehicleBind | Used to record information about created rigid bodies and joints. Rigid bodies information is stored in mVehicleRigidBodyInfo. Toints information is stored in mVehicleJointInfo |
CVehicleJointInfo | The joint information is stored in mVehicleJointInfo |
CVehicleRigidBodyInfo | The Rigid body information is stored in mVehicleJointInfo |
CVertex | |
CVertexArray | |
CVessel | |
CVirtualColocationStrategy | |
CVirtualParticleGenerator | |
CVirtualParticleShiftingStrategy | |
CVirtualSpatiallyAdaptiveStrategy | |
CVisualModule | |
CVkConstant | |
►CVkContext | |
CMemoryPoolInfo | |
CVkDeviceArray | |
CVkDeviceArray2D | |
CVkDeviceArray3D | |
CVkFFT | |
►CVkGraphicsPipeline | |
CGraphicsUBO | |
CVkHostArray | |
CVkHostArray2D | |
CVkMultiProgram | |
CVkProgram | |
CVkReduce | Implement functions for reducing a range to a single value |
CVkScan | |
CVkSort | |
CVkSystem | |
CVkUniform | |
CVkVariable | |
CVkVisualModule | |
CVolume | |
CVolumeBoolean | |
CVolumeBoundary | |
CVolumeClipper | |
CVolumeGenerator | |
CVolumeHelper | |
CVolumeInitializer | |
CVolumeLoader | |
CVolumeOctree | |
CVolumeOctreeBoolean | |
CVolumeOctreeGenerator | This is a GPU-based implementation of algebraic adaptive signed distance field (AASDF). For more details, please refer to "Algebraic Adaptive Signed Distance Field on GPU" by [Ren et.al. 2022] |
CVolumeToGridCell | |
CVolumeToTriangleSet | |
CVoxelOctree | |
CVoxelOctreeNode | |
CVtkFluidVisualModule | |
CVtkPointVisualModule | |
CVtkRenderEngine | |
CVtkSurfaceVisualModule | |
CVtkVisualModule | |
CWake | |
CWindParam | |
CWNode | |
CWtApp | |
CXBuffer | |
CXTexture2D | |
CXuModel | |
CYeohModel | |
►NImGuizmo | |
CContext | |
Cmatrix_t | |
Cvec_t | |
►Npx | |
CBox | |
CCapsule | |
CColor | |
CPlane3D | |
CRay3D | |
CSphere | |
CSphere3D | |
►NQt | |
CQtExportNode | |
CQtFieldData | |
CQtImportNode | Need to be transferred within the Node Editor graph |
CQtModuleFlowScene | Scene holds connections and nodes |
CQtModuleFlowWidget | |
CQtModuleWidget | |
CQtNodeFlowScene | Scene holds connections and nodes |
CQtNodeFlowWidget | |
CQtNodeWidget | The model dictates the number of inputs and outputs for the Node |
CSceneGraph | |
►NQtImGui | |
CImGuiRenderer | |
CQWindowWrapper | |
CWindowWrapper | |
►Ntt | |
CBuilder | |
CColor | |
CColors | |
CCompactToolButton | |
CGroup | |
CPage | |
CStyleParams | |
►CSubGroup | |
CActionParams | |
CTabToolbar | |
CTTToolButtonStyle | |
►Nvg | |
CvirtualGizmo3DClass | |
CvirtualGizmoBaseClass | |
CvirtualGizmoClass | |
►Nvgm | |
CMat3 | |
CMat4 | |
CQuat | |
CVec2 | |
CVec3 | |
CVec4 | |
►NvkglTF | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationChannel | |
CAnimationSampler | |
CMaterial | |
►CMesh | |
CUniformBlock | |
CUniformBuffer | |
►CModel | |
CDimensions | |
CIndices | |
CVertices | |
CNode | |
►CPrimitive | |
CDimensions | |
CSkin | |
CTexture | |
CVertex | |
►Nvks | |
CBuffer | Encapsulates access to a Vulkan buffer backed up by device memory |
CTexture | |
CTexture2D | |
CTexture2DArray | |
CTextureCubeMap | |
►CUIOverlay | |
CPushConstBlock | |
C_SwapChainBuffers | |
CCamera | |
CFBase | |
CFluidMapper | |
CGeometry | Base class for other geometry loaders |
CImageEncoder | |
CImageEncoderNV | |
CImGui_ImplGlfw_Data | |
CImGuiBackendWt | |
CimguiGizmo | |
CIndex2D | |
CLockerButton | |
CModule | |
CNode | |
CNodePort | Input ports for Node |
CObjLoader | A node containing a TriangleSet object |
CParticleEimitter | |
CParticleElasticBody | Peridynamics-based elastic object |
CParticleElastoplasticBody | Peridynamics-based elastoplastic particles |
CPipeline | |
CPointMapper | |
CQDataViewScrollBar | |
CSample | |
CSampleStore | |
CSharedMemory | |
CSharedMemory< bool > | |
CSharedMemory< char > | |
CSharedMemory< double > | |
CSharedMemory< float > | |
CSharedMemory< int > | |
CSharedMemory< long > | |
CSharedMemory< short > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned char > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned int > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned long > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned short > | |
CSurfaceMapper | |
CTetSystem | This class represents the base class for more advanced particle-based nodes |
CTimeElapse | |
Cun | |
CVariable | Interface for all variables |
►CVkApp | |
CSettings | Example settings that can be changed e.g. by command line arguments |
CVkFFTApplication | |
CVkFFTAxis | |
CVkFFTConfiguration | |
CVkFFTLaunchParams | |
CVkFFTPlan | |
CVkFFTPushConstantsLayoutUint32 | |
CVkFFTPushConstantsLayoutUint64 | |
CVkFFTSpecializationConstantsLayout | |
CVkFFTUserSystemParameters | |
CVkGPU | |
CVulkanSwapChain | |
CWBoolFieldWidget | |
CWColorWidget | |
CWEnumFieldWidget | |
CWFileWidget | |
CWidgetQueue | |
CWIntegerFieldWidget | |
CWMainApp | |
CWMainWindow | |
CWModuleDataModel | |
►CWNodeDataModel | |
CNodeItem | |
►CWParameterDataNode | |
CFieldWidgetMeta | |
CWPythonWidget | |
CWRealFieldWidget | |
CWRenderParamsWidget | |
CWSampleWidget | |
CWSimulationCanvas | |
CWUIntegerFieldWidget | |
CWVector3FieldWidget | |
CWVector3iFieldWidget | |